4 more days to Christmas and 11 more days to the start of a brand new year! Time really flies and while we are all busy doing our Christmas shopping, there is a group of people whom are working extremely hard to prepare the Marina Bay for the nation’s biggest countdown party of the year, the Marina Bay Singapore Countdown 2014.
If you have recently been to the Marina Bay, you would have noticed thousands of white spheres that are set afloat for the Marina Bay Singapore Countdown 2014 and on these white spheres are the wishes that individuals/groups of people have written for the coming New Year.

The wishing spheres project is an extensive one and a lot of coordination work has been done to consolidate the wishing spheres. To find out more about what goes on behind the scenes at the Wishing Stations, check out Hong Peng’s blogpost.

5 days ago, on a hot Monday morning, we were extremely privileged to have the opportunity to go behind the scenes and we learnt how the wishing spheres were installed and set afloat on the waters of Marina Bay.

Together with another Blogger, we boarded the boat and were given a brief tour around the Marina Bay where the wishing spheres were.

To install all the 20,000 wishing spheres, there is a grid system underneath the waters that guides where the wishing spheres are to be installed and there is a rope that would be attached to the wishing sphere to keep them in place.

To keep the wishing spheres in tip-top condition, maintenance is usually carried out after Christmas and because of environmental factors like heat and light, some of the wishing spheres would deflate or change in colour; hence, they would either be manually inflated or replaced with a new wishing sphere.

The installation of the wishing sphere is certainly not an easy feat. With a crew size of 4 persons and equipped with 2 boats, the crew will have to either brave the scorching hot sun or the unrelenting rain to get this gigantic task done by New Year’s Eve!

Now that you know what goes on behind the scenes, be ever grateful that there’s someone out there who will make your New Year celebration a joyous occasion! Just head down to the Marina Bay on New Year’s Eve to check out the spectacular light display of the wishing spheres and don’t forget to bring along your camera!

On this note, we would like to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas in advance! 🙂


Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.

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