


What is a Recruitment Agency?

A recruitment agency is a company whose main business is helping other companies hire staff. They are a sort of marketplace where employers and prospective employees are matched, with the agency being the matchmaker.

We can simply call them the middlemen between job seekers and labour employers. Employers send them details of roles they need to fill and a recruitment agency will look through their database for workers that can suitably fill the position.

Why Companies and Job Seekers Use Agencies

There are several reasons why companies and job seekers prefer to work with these agencies. The reasons will depend on which side of the divide each belongs.


Companies hire agencies to help them hire their staff for the following reasons:

Cost Saving – The cost of hiring can be quite high. To get an insight into this, read this article here. One way that many companies save cost is by hiring through an agency. This saves them a lot of costs, thus making this choice ideal for companies that do not have the financial capacity to have their own full-blown hiring unit under their HR department.

Faster Delivery Time – For many companies, this is a time saving and much faster option. Rather than having to spend time and money to advertise for the position, putting extra workload on the human resources department to sort through the many job applications, shortlisting the candidates that will be called for an interview, and going through the strenuous process of interviewing the shortlisted candidates to select the one or ones they need; all the company needs to do is to simply tell the agency what they need and the agency does what it needs to do to fill the position(s).

It certainly saves a lot of time and allows the company to focus on the actual business of running their core operations.

Expertise and Specialisation – The process of hiring requires some level of skill that is acquired and honed over years of experience. Many companies cannot afford to form an in-house hiring team with the level of skill and expertise that is required to handle the hiring process for best results. They, therefore, find it easier to just hire through an agency that has the necessary expertise.

In other cases, a company might require a highly specialised role for which they lack the necessary expertise to interview or even decide on the right candidate. Thus, for companies with such requirements, they would usually engage an agency that is specialised in hiring for such roles to ensure that only fully qualified candidates are selected.

Guarantees – Another cause why companies prefer hiring agencies is because of the guarantees that some of these agencies offer. A lot of top agencies will guarantee that the candidate they present will remain in that employment for at least a specific period. Otherwise, the agencies will refund what they were paid for the job or simply refill the position at their own cost.

Such a guarantee certainly gives employers a level of assurance. See more benefits here: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/benefits-staffing-agencies-11066.html.

Job Seekers

Free Assistance – Top agencies get paid by the company to fill positions so they do not charge applicants for the opportunity to consider them for the position. This means that the applicant will be receiving this assistance for free.

Access to More Employment Opportunities – A job seeker that is working with an agency will have access to more employment opportunities because the agency uses its network to receive information on roles that need to be filled in various organisations and matches these against the applicants they have. Qualified applicants can, therefore, be considered for more job opportunities than they would have on their own.

Inside Information on Job Opportunities – Agencies know when special skill sets are required by an organisation. With their inside information, they can not only help applicants get considered for these roles but can in some cases also help them prepare for the interview. Remember that it is in the agency’s best interest to fill the position.

Traits of Top Recruitment Agencies

There are critical traits you should look out for in identifying the top recruitment agencies in USA. These include:


The goal of a top agency is to fill a position with the best possible candidate. It goes about this in the most professional of ways that are not driven by selfishness or a need to simply collect the payment without care for the quality of work.

This shows in the process employed, the questions asked, and how the applicants are processed and treated.


Top agencies handle the process with specialised expertise. If the role to be filled is that of an IT specialist, the consultant handling the case will be an expert in that field so s/he will know what to look out for.

Operation Above-board

Reputable agencies will not do anything that is not above-board. These include charging and collecting fees from applicants, making extravagant promises, or falsifying applicant’s information just to ensure they land the job.


They can offer guarantees to employers and applicants that the position will be filled for at least a minimum period.

Be honest.

How often you do check your bank balance or sit down and draw up a budget for the month ahead? If you tend to chuck statements on a pile on papers on the kitchen table or you check in with the bank every couple of months; now is the time to start monitoring your money more closely! Managing your finances has never been easier and it can help you to save more and spend less.

Creating a Budget
If you don’t live by a budget, there’s no better time to break the habit of a lifetime. Traditionally, at this time of the year, finances are usually pretty tight, and the sooner you can start saving, the better. Budgeting is simple, fast, and completely hassle-free in this day and age. While some people prefer to stick to old-school techniques and draw up columns of figures with a pen and paper, many opt to use apps or specially designed programmes. It’s a good idea to do a bit of research to find the best personal finance software and to think about what you need and what kinds of features you’d like. Budgeting enables you to monitor how much money is coming in and how much is going out, and it can give you a much better idea of where your cash is going every month. Sticking to a budget can help to prevent overspending and enable you to save more. You can use your budget to set a spending limit every week or to establish how much you’re going to transfer to a savings account or pay off a credit card each month.

Online Banking
The days of having to trudge out to the ATM or wait for a monthly statement to come sailing through the letterbox are long gone. This means that there is no excuse to have no idea what is going on in your accounts. With online banking and apps, you can check your balance on the go and keep a close eye on spending. If you don’t already use online banking, you’ll need to register online. With this service, you can check your balances, open new accounts, transfer money, pay bills, and find out more about other financial products, such as mortgages. It’s so easy to lose track of spending with contactless technology and online shopping, so it’s crucial to look at your bank on a regular basis.

Shopping Around
Once you’ve got an idea of how much disposable income you have available, you can take steps to increase this figure by shopping around and comparing prices. Take a look at how much you’re paying for insurance, for example. If you’ve got car, health, house or pet insurance policies that are due for renewal, don’t just accept the new price from your existing provider. Use the Internet to track down the best deals. You can do this to save money on everything from buying gifts and household items to finding cheaper broadband, TV and mobile phone services!

Even if you’re not the most diligent amateur accountant, it’s never too late to start monitoring your money today! If you’re looking for a credible and sound financial adviser, let us know and we will help you out!

Many people aspire to start their own business and be their own bosses and there’s honestly nothing wrong with that. The barriers to starting a business in Singapore are low and as a result, many business startups choose to base their operations here.

Although many have started their own business, there are also many who have failed. Statistics show that 50-70% of startups fail within the first 18 months. If you’re thinking about starting a business and you’re unsure of how you are going to go about it, here are some tips to get you started.

What Kind/Type of Business?

Yes, you may have a great business idea but if your business idea does not meet market needs or if there is no market demand for it, you probably will want to think twice about starting your business.

The kind of business that you want to start will also affect the type of business structure for your business to operate from.

In Singapore, there are generally 5 kinds of business structure that you can decide on; a sole-proprietorship, a partnership, a limited partnership, a limited liability partnership, and a company. All of them have got pros and cons and you will need to assess which business structure is most suitable for you.

Retail Business EntrepreneurGenerally, if you are a one-man-operation (OMO), I would suggest that you start a sole-proprietorship because you will be in full control of your business. But of course, if you fumble and make wrong business decisions, your liability is likewise unlimited. Usually, I will never recommend a partnership and a limited partnership because having worked with all kinds of people, I have concluded that most partnerships turn sour and you wouldn’t want to end up incurring losses just because of some unwise decisions that your partner makes without your consent.

How Much Capital Do You Want to Invest?

Please do not think that the more capital you invest, the greater your returns will be. Your returns depend very much on how the capital is being used. More capital can probably mean more money to buy more products, rent a bigger space, or even buy time to sustain the business.

I often see many Facebook Ads that tells many fantastic stories of how individuals can invest, can start a business, can own properties with no money and etc but truly, such ads will often lead you to sign up for previews or workshops that will set you back by thousands of dollars.

Keep A Lookout For Business OpportunitiesIf someone tells you that you need $0 capital to start a business, you probably need to be wary. As you go about looking out for business opportunities, always keep the bigger picture in mind and don’t be swayed by fads and trends. Yes, you can start a business with low costs but low costs don’t mean zero cost. Even starting a sole-proprietorship will cost you a minimum of $65.

For businesses that offer services, the startup costs are generally lower than businesses that offer products. When you buy products to sell, you will need capital and where are you going to get that capital from?

If you want to start a business full-time, you minimally need to have at least 6 months of living expenses. If you don’t, consider hanging onto your full-time job while working on your business part-time. This will ensure that you have sufficient cash flow to maintain your current lifestyle.

Do You Have A Backup Plan?

A backup plan is essential. There’s a common saying, ”When you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. What are you going to do if your business doesn’t turn out well? When will you throw in the towel and admit that starting a business is just not for you? There will be many instances when you will be tested and it is important to recognise how and where you are going to draw the line. Will you still be employable when you call it quits? These are just some important questions that you need to think about when you start a business.

How Marketable is Your Business?

I can’t stress this point enough but yes, marketing is essential and highly important! If you don’t market your business, how are you going to get the sales that you need to sustain the business? The most basic form of marketing collaterals that you probably need will be your business cards and products/services brochure. First impressions count and no matter what people say nowadays about how print collaterals no longer matter in today’s business dealings, you will be surprised at how handy they can be to share about your business. Printing services in Singapore are aplenty and choosing the most reliable and wallet-friendly option is the way to go if you want to keep costs low. The next step after getting your print collaterals will be to identify your unique selling proposition, who your competitors are, and what makes you different from them. All these will affect how you are going to pitch your business to prospective clients.

Well, I certainly hope that this post would have helped you to think deeply about what it takes to be an entrepreneur. There will always be risks associated with starting a business; the greater the risks, the greater the rewards, the smaller the risks, the smaller the rewards.

Do share this article if you have found it helpful!

If the time has come to sell your car; then you will know how important it is for you to make a good return on it. After all, the money you get from your old car may be going towards your new one, and if you are not careful, then you may end up losing more money than you anticipated.

Wax on- Wax Off

If your paint job is super faded, don’t try and spend a fortune in getting a brand new one done. Instead, get out your wax and polish. When you do this, you can easily add value to your car and even make it look newer as well. If your car’s paint job is so faded that you can’t even remember what it looks like; open the door and look inside the frame because this part of the car seldom gets exposed to sunlight or even harsh chemicals. This will give you a good idea of what your car used to look like. You might also want to invest in a car ceramic coating too.

Bright Lights

Dingy headlights can make your car look way worse than it actually is. There are a huge number of headlight cleaning products out there for you to choose from and you can easily brighten up your car this way. If you have tried window cleaners but they just don’t work for you; then you should know that headlight cleaner is a completely different product that is worth looking into.

Shiny Wheels

Shiny wheels that look new can really improve your car’s appearance. It can also boost the potential value as well. You don’t have to replace your tyres or anything else like that. All you have to do is get down there and clear out any dirt and grime. You should also invest in some tyre shine as well. This will help you get that new car shine and make it look shiny clean.

Inside the Car

If you have any removable floor mats, take these out. If they can be cleaned, then make sure you clean them. If they have huge gaping holes in them, then either throw them out or buy some new ones. A new set of floor mats shouldn’t cost you too much at all and they can make all the difference to someone’s first impression of the car. This is especially the case if you think that the potential buyer is going to be taking the vehicle on a test drive, so do keep that in mind.

Glass Cleaning

Don’t use household cleaners on your car. The materials inside your car are very different from the things that make up your furniture. For this reason, you should only invest in high-quality cleaning products that are meant for the car only. The same concept applies to glass cleaner as well. You’d be surprised at what a difference using a car glass cleaner can make when compared to standard window products.

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you! I’m not sure how many people would actually remember or have an inkling of this famous love poem but I do remember using it quite often whenever I write letters to my friends or fill up my profile on my friend’s autograph book.

Yes, this was pretty much how “the Facebook of my time” looks like when I was in primary school 2 decades ago and we usually “create” our profile on our friend’s autograph book at the start or end of the school year. One other thing that I would also do is to buy Christmas gifts for my friends and write Christmas wishes on greeting cards to send to them. Those times were indeed old-fashioned or even traditional but you know what, the principles and values of gift-giving are truly timeless.

Image Credits: Blog To Express


The act of gift-giving has been carried out since the medieval times and the word, “gift” comes in the form of a noun (thing or object) or a verb (action word). A gift is a thing given willingly to someone without payment i.e. a present; and when you engage in gifting, it essentially means that you are giving (something) as a gift, especially formally or as a donation or bequest.

Gifts come in many forms and sometimes, it can be really hard to pick the right gifts for a person that you have in mind. When you get a gift for someone, here are some questions that you probably want to ask yourself:

How Much Do You Want to Spend?

Knowing how much you want to spend can significantly widen or narrow down your choices. Price is a major factor for consideration when you want to get a gift for someone else and usually, you wouldn’t mind splurging on your loved ones unless you’re on a tight budget.

Are There Any Existing Promotions/Discounts?

There are a lot of great deals and sales that take place throughout the year and for the online shopaholic, the best times to shop has to be black Friday, 11.11 and 12.12. The cost savings that you get from online sales will certainly go a long way if you’re planning to get gifts for a lot of people. One of my favourite e-commerce site to shop is definitely Lazada.

Is the Gift for a Lady or Man?

There are unisex gifts and gender-specific gifts. Just don’t mix the two up. Typically, some gifts that are suitable for a lady will include a bouquet of roses from Roses Only, a box of exquisite chocolates, a plushie, and a designer handbag. Man will typically receive a cologne, wallet, tie or cufflinks.

What does the Person Like and Dislike?

I’m pretty sure you will want to receive a gift that you really like instead of receiving one that you dislike. Similarly, knowing what a person like and dislike is super important because it really narrows down and zooms in on the choices of gifts that you can get for the person.

What are the Favourite Colours of the Person that You’re Getting the Gift for?

It is sometimes useful and helpful to know the favourite colours of the person that you’re getting the gift for so that you will save the hassle of having to do an exchange at the shop. If you’re getting an apparel or footwear, be sure that you know what is the shirt/shoe size of the person before you make that purchase or better still, bring the person down to the shop.

How Are You Related to the Person that You’re getting the Gift for?

I’m pretty sure you will spend more on the person who is closest to you but if you’re getting gifts for your family members, friends, and office colleagues; what you get for them can vary greatly from person to person.

What is the Occasion?

Last but not least, it is equally important to know what the occasion is that you’re giving the person a gift for. There are different types of gifts for different occasions. Shopping for a graduation gift or Christmas gift, for example, can be quite different from shopping for a birthday gift or even an anniversary gift. Know why you’re giving what you’re giving.

I hope that this article has been helpful and if you haven’t got the time to do your Christmas shopping, here’s where Mel’s White Glove can help you! Mel’s White Glove can help you to procure suitable gifts, offer you some gift recommendations, make gift purchases on your behalf, and hand-deliver the gift for you!

When the nights are getting longer and you feel like you don’t want to get out of the house after you got in from work, your main challenge will be to find some quality entertainment. Whether you are gaming, catching up with the latest series, or would like to entertain your friends after work; there are several new releases to look forward to this winter. Below you will find a few tips on creating the ultimate experience at home.

Your Theater and Entertainment Room

One of the things you can do when you are planning your winter entertainment is creating a stunning entertainment room or movie theatre. If you are good at DIY, you can set up the sound bars, the wiring, and upcycle some cinema chairs so that you can have a space other than your living room to escape to. Don’t forget about soundproofing and acoustics when you design your home theatre.

Your Movie Platforms

Next, you will need to discover entertainment platforms that will deliver the content you want and not get you into trouble. While Amazon and Netflix are the obvious choices, there are other movie sites out there that are worth checking out. For example, if you would like to watch anime at night and catch up with the latest storylines, you might want to find a themed entertainment channel that you can stream on your devices.  

Genre Collections

Of course, collections are also great for passing time. With the rise of catch-up TV, you can now watch a whole series in one sitting. However, you will often find it hard to locate older series that are no longer available on the apps. This is why you might want to subscribe to a collection that will give you access to the genres that you are interested in instead of some irrelevant results.

Viewing Plan

It might also be a good idea to have a viewing plan, so you can make sure that you are not missing out on an episode. You can add the dates and times on your online diary and make a plan to record the series that are clashing in time with each other. You don’t want to miss an episode and wait for months to catch up with the series online again.

Testing the Latest Games

Of course, if you need even more adrenaline in your life, you can also start testing the latest games at home. Improve your sound system and invest in noise cancelling headphones to make the most out of your entertainment and experience. You might even give virtual reality headsets a go. Whether you are into Deadpool or GTA, you will notice the difference when you surprise yourself with some new gaming gadgets.

There are plenty of things we can do at home to improve our nights and make the most out of the gadgets and devices we have at home. Catch up on series, discover new interests, genres, and games, and make sure you create a great environment for your nights in.

Redecorating the home almost always means spending money. But that doesn’t mean it has to be expensive. Surprisingly, there are household savings hacks that you can do to beautify your home without leaving a dent in your bank account.

One way to do this is to maximise the use of natural light to illuminate your home interior. Sunlight is not only an instant mood moderator; according to some studies, exposure to sunlight even for a short period helps prevent depression in adults. The vitamin D present in natural light is also an essential vitamin that helps build strong immune systems. But aside from its health benefits, using natural light for your home also greatly improves its aesthetics by bringing out the beauty of your fabrics and furniture.

All these are great reasons to consider this shift into the natural, on top of the dollars of savings you can shave off your electricity payments.

But how do you exactly manipulate light so that it complements your space just right? Read on to know the answers.

Work with Your Windows

First things first, you need to ensure that an adequate amount of natural light enters your home. Otherwise, all the following tips in this article will do little to achieve the results you’d like to have.

Check your window treatment and see if something can be improved in your setup to allow more light flow into your rooms.

For example, you can start putting up neutral- to light-coloured curtains in place of darker ones. A single drape set can also be used rather than a double set if you can’t let go of opaque-coloured choices. If you want more control over the inflow of light into the room, Venetian blinds do the job well.

Otherwise, if you are rather serious about your redecorating mission, you’ll have to shell out a few hundred dollars to install new, larger windows, preferably with the less low-E coating. Though they may be harder to come by, you can purchase windows with low-E coating and a higher solar heat gain coefficient, like these innovative options offered by Pella.

Lighten Up Your Walls

It’s not enough to just let in light into your home’s interior. You have to make sure it illuminates the space entirely. A lighter room colour helps reflect light rather than absorb it, creating the illusion of a breathier space and producing a fresher ambience without adding another square footage.

For this purpose, white is an easy choice, although there are plenty of cool tones that work just as well. Taupes and blue greys and, generally, a lighter palette, will do wonders to maximise whatever light that is being funnelled into your interiors through your windows.

To take advantage of a lighter paint’s reflective ability, you may as well think about redoing your ceiling paint so that it matches your chosen theme. Although it can be fun and stylish to paint your ceiling opaque, it is also a highly recommended thing to do as well if your goal is to maximise the room’s capacity to facilitate and disperse light.


When adding accents and statement decors to your ensemble, opt for furniture and accessories that reflect light. Metallic surfaces, glass blocks, and kitchen countertops with a sleek finish help bounce off the light that filters into your room, creating a bigger and brighter appearance.

For the living room, this can mean opting for linen and cotton instead of velvet and brocade fabrics. You can also introduce a little element of gloss into your throw pillows and drapes.

For example, you can use a stylish metallic finial as a statement piece to your window setup. They’re subtle but also striking enough to stand as a statement piece on their own.

In addition, you can incorporate highly glossy ceramic or metallic tiles for your kitchen and bathroom backsplashes for a spectacular finish.

Use Mirrors

Mirrors are popular design elements for dressing up small spaces. Placed in the right location, a mirror can double the amount of light that enters the room and effectively make the space look not only brighter but also larger.

There are plenty of ways to incorporate mirror design into your home. If you don’t want a full-length mirror sitting in the room, you can place one above the console table or behind the shelves. You can also turn them into a window-style design, like this one.

Trim Your Greenery

Trees, hedges, and vines outside your home or windows can hamper the flow of natural light from the exterior to the interiors. See to it that you keep your garden population in check.

Final Word

Making use of natural light is a great way to cut back on your household expenses without compromising your style. Follow these tips, start saving, and see your home transform.

Unlike film and television productions, visual art is something that is relatively foreign to most people. Therefore, artists have to truly display unparalleled skill and technique, in order to transcend time and gain prominence in the public’s eye.

Today, to be esteemed as a true master of the arts, one not only needs to display sheer talent and brilliance, but an artist must also have the ability to create stunning pieces that stand out amongst the thousands of other works of art that are constantly being created.

1st-art.com works relentlessly to bring classic masterpieces from the middle ages all the way through to modern art, to art lovers around the world.

In their collection, you can find masterpieces from some of the world’s most famous artists which have been displayed for centuries in some of the most prominent galleries on the planet. From New York’s Museum of Modern Art to the Guggenheim museums in North America, Europe and the Middle East, they strive to provide their customers with stunning oil painting reproduction that are sure to impress anyone who sets their eyes on them.

Famous Artists Across History

Below, you’ll find just a few of the famous artists whose masterpieces can be reproduced by our skilled artists to become the next addition to your collection.

Read more on the risks of buying art reproductions here.


Not only was Michelangelo a skilled painter, he was a renowned sculptor who created the David and Pieta and also a talented architect who designed St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy. Furthermore, while unbeknownst to most, Michelangelo also wrote poetry and is credited with the design of Pope Julius II’s tomb, which was completed in 1545.


As one of the world’s most prominent Dutch artists, Rembrandt was an exceptional artist who created many stunning masterpieces such as Belshazzar’s Feast (1635) and The Night Watch (1642). He was also a draughtsman and printmaker who is acknowledged for his incredible ability to extract the feelings of his subjects and transpose those emotions into his works.

Pablo Picasso

With a name that has become synonymous with contemporary art, Picasso is known around the world as one of the most famous artists of the 20th century.

According to most art experts, Picasso overturned the entire field of art with his radical introduction of the Cubism movement, which singlehandedly destroyed the traditional representations of matter and paved the way for all contemporary artists to come.

Henri Matisse

Born in Le Cateau-Cambresis, France, Henri Matisse was not only an innovative artist but also a skilled printmaker, draughtsman and sculptor. Most of Matisse’s work focuses on the delights of playfully bright and flashy colours, as well as the idea of symbolism, which has brought the artist to international fame.

Read more on Henri Matisse here: https://www.henrimatisse.org/

Vincent Van Gogh

Known mostly for his mental instability, Van Gogh has managed to transcend time and has become one of the world’s most famous and beloved artists. His technique used an innovative and unique style of frantic brush strokes, which gave his work a very different appearance from most of the art being created during his time. Without a doubt, Van Gogh’s works have inspired countless generations of artists and will continue to do so well into the future.

Jackson Pollock

At first, Pollock was a rather conventional painter and he was plagued with addiction problems, self-doubt and a nearly debilitating case of awkwardness. Fortunately, between the years of 1947 and 1950, Pollock managed to use his weaknesses to create original works of art that would eventually lead to his fame spreading around the globe.

His technique involved laying his canvases on the floor and then dripping or throwing household paint onto it. This created radically original pieces that left a clear record of Pollock’s movements while he was in the creation process.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci is considered to be one of the greatest minds of his time and is regarded by many as the original Renaissance Man. Not only has he gained fame and was internationally renowned for his masterpieces, such as The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa; Da Vinci is also credited with designing many avantgarde technologies such as the flying machine, steam tanks and automobiles.

Claude Monet

Monet is credited as being one of the founding fathers of Impressionism and is known for his use of bright vibrant colours and as well as painting using short, quick brush strokes. He was known for his love of nature and often used his gardens as inspiration for his works, which can be seen in his most famous collections of paintings, Water Lilies.

Edvard Munch

Although Munch’s artistic career was far more than just one single painting, he is most often known for his anxiety-ridden masterpiece, The Scream. Munch is known for his use of pastel colours, which give his works a certain touch of surrealism and adds to the feelings expressed in his work.

Although the Scream was painted more than a hundred years ago (in 1893), one of Munch’s variations of the painting was sold in 2012 at an auction for the jaw-dropping price of $120 million US dollars.

Whether you’ve just started driving for Grab or Go-jek, passed your driving test, or finally stomached the amount you need to pay to actually own a vehicle, it’s important to kit out your car with a couple of accessories to ensure that your driving experience is safer and more enjoyable. In this article, we’re going to list a couple of accessories that all new car owners should purchase.


You might not be the best at auto repairs but it’s still essential to have a toolkit in the back to ensure that your car is safe to drive. Even with minimal knowledge, you can perform simple car repairs such as how to switch out a flat tire, replace headlights or even change the battery should it fail in the middle of nowhere. You don’t need to buy an expensive kit, but if you do refuse to fork out the cash and only get something cheap, you’re going to end up buying a cheap kit several times.

Phone Holder

Everyone wants to use their phone in the car, but it’s dangerous and if you’re caught sending messages or even chatting with one hand on your phone and the other on the wheel, you’re going to end up getting fined and/or jailed. No one wants this to happen and safety is paramount, hence, this is why it’s important to get yourself a convenient phone holder that can also make it easier to look at the phone when you need to look at the GPS.

Seat Covers

The last thing you want is to get the seats on your brand new car dirty. Consider services like CalTrend that not only offer seat covers, but customised ones that are durable and help keep your car pristine. This will also help the resale value down the road and also give your car a good boost in appearance by keeping it in good condition.

Belt Cutter

It’s always better to be safe than sorry and this is where a belt cutter comes in handy. These handy tools are perfect for cutting into seat belts and even breaking glass should you end up in an accident. They’re cheap and affordable, and although you should pray to never actually use it, they’re an essential piece of safety kit.

Charging Kits

Whether it’s to charge your phone, laptop or any other devices, it’s important to get yourself a car charging kit. This could be something as simple as a splitter that plugs into your car, or even a spare battery bank that sits in the glovebox of your car. Having extra juice for your mobile phone is great if you rely on the GPS, and it’s never a bad idea to keep your devices charged for an emergency.

These are some of the basic accessories that all car owners should invest in. Be it for comfort, safety or even for more features, these items are low-cost investments that will help you get the most out of your vehicle no matter what class of vehicle you purchase.

A new chapter to a distinctive and unforgettable whiskey adventure story opens this month with the launch of The Whiskey Library. Ensconced within the ornate and luxurious interior of The Vagabond Club- Singapore’s preeminent luxury boutique hotel with 41 individualistic and elegantly appointed rooms and suites; the Whiskey Library offers over 1,000 bottles of thoughtfully curated rare and refined award-winning whiskies from around the world, and comes with a Membership Programme to beguile guests with a love of whiskey and give them access to the captivating vagabond experience.

Adventure awaits within the vintage art deco exterior of The Vagabond Club. Each room within the luxurious hotel is an oasis of comfort and calm bathed in natural light, bearing the touch of the genius French designer Jacques Garcia, executed in his renowned over-the-top, maximalist panache with Parisian-chic flair.

With the unique Membership Programme, guests who sign up will enjoy 10-room nights at The Vagabond Club (fully transferrable) as part of the S$3,000 annual membership fee.

Members will also have privileged access to 80 lockers, each with its own gilded and tasselled key, evocative of a bygone era of old world charm and hospitality, kept on-site in a specially designed wood-crafted armoire placed in a private space at The Vagabond Club’s salon.

Each locker will store up to 15 bottles of whiskey. Members can bring one of their own bottles for every two bottles purchased at The Whiskey Library. Members will also enjoy special bottle pricing, access to the Vagabond Club gym, and reserved seating at regular Whiskey Club events and experiences.

Each bottle at The Whiskey Library has been carefully collected from the finest distilleries from Scotland, Ireland, Japan, the US and other countries around the globe, with the collection comprising predominantly single cask and limited-edition bottles. Just as with a great literary work, each bottle is a unique work of art that stirs the imagination, beguiles the mind and excites the spirit.

The creator behind The Whiskey Library is luxury hotelier Satinder Garcha. Motivated by his love and passion for artistry, Garcha has spent two years bringing his dream to realisation.

“What started out as a vacation with friends travelling around Scotland and visiting distilleries soon turned into an eye-opening journey of discovery; a discovery of the depth of craftsmanship, the artistry, the culture and the incredible history behind whiskey making. These elements combined inspired me to bring these untold stories to Singapore where anyone and everyone can experience the profound pleasure of enjoying truly great whiskies,” says Garcha.

“No two bottles are the same. Each is unique, each has its own story, and many bottles will be unfamiliar even to the most experienced connoisseur. To me whiskey is art, and the craftsmanship behind our whiskies in The Whiskey Library is truly astonishing,” adds Garcha.

Designed for what Garcha calls “a club for vagabonds seeking a unique and hidden experience”, the warm and beautifully appointed Whiskey Library hosts up to 75 guests who, while relaxing and enjoying their whiskies, will be entertained with bespoke experiences such as specially curated sung and told Jazz stories, intimate theatre, book readings, artist evenings, musical showcases, and even independent film premieres. Guests will also be able to enjoy delightful small bites prepared by the Chef de cuisine at The Vagabond Club.

In keeping with the theme of artistry and luxury, the vitrines housing the whiskey collection and other crafted white spirits were designed and hand-crafted by local woodsman Mr Ng – one of the few remaining craftsmen in Singapore who continues to create unique furniture pieces. Designed to enhance the decadent elements of the hotel surrounds, the armoires feature brass claw feet to complement the similarly brass Allahbuksh-designed Rhino reception desk.

Akin to the Allahbuksh family from Rajasthan who crafted the enchanting Banyan Trees at The Vagabond Club, Mr Ng has contributed much to the artistry ambience in Garcha’s hotel portfolio.

Bespoke elements such as artisanal ice and an international selection of the finest of cigars, together with the extensive collection of whiskeys, bourbons, and other crafted spirits bring a truly complete and unique experience to guests of The Whiskey Library.

The Whiskey LIbrary is perhaps one of the world’s great whiskey bars! Check them out today!