Ex On The Beach is a British reality television series that is broadcasted on MTV. The series was first announced in February 2014 and it premiered on 27 April 2014 in Singapore. The official list of cast members were released on 13 March 2014 and includes four single boys; Ashley Cain, Jack Lomax, Liam Lewis and Marco Alexandre, and as well as four single girls; Chloe Goodman, Emily Gillard, Farah Sattaur and Vicky Pattison.

What’s Ex On The Beach All About?

Narrated by Irish comedian Andrew Maxwell, Ex On The Beach features eight single men and women who are invited to enjoy a luxury holiday; believing they are being set up for a holiday romance. As MTV cameras follow their every move along a road of new romances, a twist of events took place; ex-boyfriends and girlfriends of cast members arrive unexpectedly, and the whole drama begins to unfold into something totally unexpected!

With no-one knowing ‘whose ex will be next’, each ‘ex’ has a different motive for appearing, whether it’s to win their partner back, or just to seek vengeance after their bad romance.

Our Personal Opinion of Ex On The Beach

Ex On The Beach is definitely not a show for those under 18s because of its strong language and sexual references throughout. If you’re a dude like me, you probably will not enjoy the show because I personally found it quite boring; especially with the many mini “interviews” that kind of just disrupts the whole chain of events. There were just too many dialogues and not much action and that kind of put me off. I guess I will be better off with reality TV shows like Fear Factor, The Amazing Race, and Survivor.

On the other hand, Jacqueline personally enjoyed the show and found it quite interesting to see how the plot would thicken and develop; especially when new exes were invited to the show to shake things up. She particularly found the reactions of the cast members to be quite entertaining when relationships between cast members get entangled in a big mess.

Our conclusion would be, the ladies would probably enjoy Ex On The Beach more than the gentlemen.

The next episode of Ex On The Beach will be broadcasted on 11 June 2014 [Wednesday] at 11PM at MTV Asia which can be found on StarHub TV Channel #533 and SingTel mioTV Channel #350. If you have missed out on the previous episodes, you can watch them online at MTV Asia Official Website.

Get ready for a time of cat-fights, squabbles, and break-ups! For more information and updates from MTV Asia, do check out MTV Asia Official Website and MTV Asia Facebook Page.


Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.

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