Hello Everyone,
today, I will be blogging about our recent Kelong Trip (Part 2) and in this particular blog entry, we will be sharing with you what we did at the Kelong and the many photos that we took at the Kelong itself.

As mentioned in our previous blog entry (Part 1), the Kelong offers loads of photo opportunities and hence, both baby and I seized the chance to take lots of self-shots!

Here are photos of me [taken by Baby] using the natural surroundings as the backdrop.

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

and here are photos of Baby [taken by myself]. As you can see from the photos, I’m not a great photographer and I do have loads to learn about photography. Are there any willing photography master/shifu whom is willing to accept me as an apprentice for the next 3 months?

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

While Baby was going around to take more photographs, I decided to go fishing for fishes. If you ask any seasoned Kelong-goers why they enjoy going to Kelongs, they will only have one thing to tell you; that is, to fish! As it was our first time there, I thought the Kelong would provide fishing rods like these…

From Kelong Trip 2012

but I was given this [with squids as baits]…so, if you’re planning to fish at the Kelong, you might want to consider bringing your own fishing rod. I was told that some Kelongs actually rented out fishing rods but apparently at this one, they don’t.

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

Seriously, I didn’t even managed to catch any fishes during our trip to the Kelong and according to the seasoned Kelong-goers, it was not a good day to fish as most of them didn’t really catch much fishes except for some small ones. So there I was waiting…

From Kelong Trip 2012

and waiting..[trying to smile for the camera]

From Kelong Trip 2012

…….and waiting…… but still no sight of any fishes [the sian look]

From Kelong Trip 2012

until Baby’s cousin exclaimed really loudly and said she caught something really huge.

From Kelong Trip 2012

and it turns out to be a log with some edible oysters [that we later had for dinner].

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

Someone caught this cute little fish with cute little eyes and guess what, it was smiling for the camera.

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

this was the biggest catch of the day and it was caught by Baby’s uncle. The intense look on his face shows that he was determined not to let the fish go without putting up a fight.

From Kelong Trip 2012

and he finally caught it!

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

since I didn’t catch any fishes that day, Baby and I took the liberty to pose for photos with the fish that was caught by Baby’s uncle.

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

and do you know how the insides of the fish looks like? It looks like this.! I’m not sure if those things that are pricking out are the teeth but I assume it is.

From Kelong Trip 2012

these are the fishes that were caught by raising the nets and there was even a stingray which we had for dinner!

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

while all these fishing action was happening, Baby went around shooting some rather scenic photos that I find worth sharing on this blog. If you’re a professional photographer and you happen to chance upon this blog entry, we really would appreciate if you could take some time off to write a few comments and let us know what you think of the following photographs.

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

Because it was raining on and off, we weren’t able to fish throughout and so, we either chatted away or took a nap. Behind the scenes, these two really nice chaps were preparing dinner for us.

From Kelong Trip 2012

As our camera battery died, we didn’t manage to capture any photos of the superb seafood dinner that we had but we did took a couple of evening/night shots of the Kelong.

From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012
From Kelong Trip 2012

As Baby and I were literally drained and physically tired, we actually turned in early and missed out on the BBQ seafood supper. So, there’s isn’t much photos that we took for the evening. In the next part of our Kelong Trip blog entry [Part 3], we will be sharing with you what we did on the final day, conclude the entire Kelong Trip, and share with you our own personal opinions on whether you should embark on a Kelong Trip [though I guess by now, you would have a rough gauge/feel as to whether you should embark on a Kelong Trip].

So stay tuned to more updates from us.

God bless!


Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.


  1. jd.koh@hotmail.com Reply

    very informative! thanks for sharing and your photos look great. cheers!

  2. jd.koh@hotmail.com Reply

    very informative! thanks for sharing and your photos look great. cheers!

  3. […] would be our last blog entry about our Kelong Trip. If you haven’t read Part 1 and Part 2 yet, be sure to check it […]

  4. […] would be our last blog entry about our Kelong Trip. If you haven’t read Part 1 and Part 2 yet, be sure to check it […]

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