
Everything Else


There is nothing more devastating than being involved in a serious accident that has the potential to have life-changing results. You might think that it’s unlikely you will ever fall foul to this kind of horrendous accident, but the fact is that there’s no way of knowing what the future holds. Life is full of surprises, and sadly, not all of them are nice ones.

One moment you could be riding along on your motorcycle, feeling the wind in your hair; the next you could be on the ground, seriously injured. One minute you could be walking to the salad bar at a restaurant, the next you could slip on some spilt water and fracture your spine.

God forbid you to end up the victim of a nasty injury; it’s important that you understand how vital your approach to healing and mindset is to your progress. Various psychologists have suggested that although there is no conclusive medical evidence to suggest that positivity can speed up the physical healing process, studies have suggested that in cases where mental as well as physical healing is required, a positive approach can be highly valuable.

Bearing that in mind, below are some suggestions to taking a more positive approach to healing and examples of how doing so can be beneficial.

1. Focus on the positives

After you’ve been involved in a serious accident, whether it was an unfortunate motorcycle pile-up or a nasty slip down some wet stairs, it’s hard to focus on the positives. Regardless of whether your injuries will completely heal or they will plague you for life, it’s easy to feel down after a serious accident or injury. However, by taking a more positive approach to things and thinking about the silver lining of what’s happened, such as that you are alive or that you will eventually heal, you can make your road back to full health an easier one. It’s far too easy to focus on the negatives in a situation like this, but if you attempt to stay positive, then you will find that your mental healing comes more quickly, helping you to feel back to your old self again in no time. One of the best ways to stay positive is to embrace the grieving process for whatever you’ve lost as a result of the accident and allow yourself to say goodbye to what could have been. A lot of people find that talking to a counsellor can help,  so this could be something that’s worth considering.

2. Look to the future

By taking a more positive approach to healing, you won’t simply focus on what’s happening right now, and the bad situation that you are in. Instead, you will be able to look to the future and focus on what your future will be. Just because your accident has changed things for you doesn’t mean that you can’t have a future. The fact is that if you are willing to adapt to the changes in your circumstances, you can have an amazing future. It’s just a case of taking the time to look to the future and begin to think about what it will hold. Questions that you want to ask yourself are things like: ‘can I return to work or will I need to retrain?’ or ‘will my home need to be adapted or can I return to it?’. The fact is that there will be some hard questions to ask yourself but it’s even more important to be willing to look to the future and start planning your life again. If you take a positive approach to healing, you will find doing so a little bit easier.

3. Heal inside and out

Contrary to popular belief, the healing process after a serious accident isn’t just a physical one. Often, victims of serious or life-changing accidents are left with emotional scars caused by the trauma of what has happened to them. This is a natural part of the healing process, but one that can cause a large amount of emotional pain. It’s almost impossible to heal emotionally if you still harbour bad feelings about what has happened to you. It’s natural to feel anger and resentment at first, feelings that are often followed by a grief-like process, but it’s important to move past these feelings and learn to see the good in the situation. It may not always be easy, but the fact is that if you want to heal inside and out, you need to take a more positive approach to what has happened to you. After all, nothing that you do will change things, so it makes sense to foster a positive attitude.

After a serious or life-changing accident, it’s natural to have a range of mixed feelings. The fact is that no matter what you do or how you feel, you can’t change what’s happened – that’s something vital you have to realise. The only choice is to find a way to be more positive and take steps to move on and build a new life for yourself. It won’t always be easy, but the fact is that if you want to make the most of the life that you have left, you have to move on and be positive about things. Otherwise, you will waste your time being negative and won’t lead a full and happy life. If you need to get help to come to terms with what has happened, it’s essential that you do so. Take your time to get to grips with your injuries and the prognosis that comes with them, but wherever possible, try to remain positive.

Going back to study can be both exciting and scary at the same time but it need not be if you are thoroughly prepared. There are many reasons for wanting to go back to study. Whether it is to get a better job, to improve your skills, or simply to see where it takes you; it is always important to be prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally. When we’re young, we don’t always know what we want to do and we often feel too pressured to decide. After all, many people who decide which path to take when they are young end up changing it later on anyway!

The good news is, you’re never too old to go back to study! 

However, there are a couple of important questions that you should ask yourself first.

1. Are You Prepared To Do An Access Course?

Luckily, if you’re a mature student, you don’t have to worry too much about whether you’re qualified enough to begin learning as most places will also look at your experience. With that being said, you may need to be prepared to do an access course. Access courses are usually short but intense, so you need to be prepared for this if you want to get on the course that you really wish to do.

2. Have You Chosen The Right Course?

This is going to be a decision that will take up a lot of time in your life. You’re going to live and breathe your new course, even if you choose a flexible option. Make sure the course curriculum is what you expect it to be. Speak to students who have already done the course. Weigh up the pros and cons. This isn’t to put you off or give you analysis paralysis, but you need to make sure that the course you’re going to do is what you really want.

3. How Will You Fund Your Study?

Funding your study is probably your main concern. If you’re lucky enough to have a part-time job that can fit your study schedule, you won’t have to worry too much. There are a few options available if you need some extra help. You could get a personal loan to help fund your learning, or see if there are any official student grants that you can take advantage of. In some cases, schools will loan you money for your education and even offer you a small sum of money for monthly maintenance. Just make sure you know exactly how this will be paid back once you have completed your course.

4. Will You Be Able To Fit Your Studies Around Your Current Lifestyle?

You might have stars in your eyes at the moment, dreaming about how you’re going to make this work. You might convince yourself that you’re going to be able to fit it all in, but you really need to make sure that you’re not going to be overwhelmed. One way of doing this is by looking at your calendar and then blocking out your time; figuring out how much time you’ll have for the rest of your responsibilities when you’ve taken this into account.

Thought of any other questions that may come in handy for those who are contemplating on going back to study? Share them in the comments section below!

If one of your goals in 2018 is to change your life by finally starting that new business venture, you’re going to have to get serious. Here are six basic steps you will need to take to get your business off the ground and start living the life of your dreams:

1. Set Your Mind and Do Your Research

First of all, you’re going to need to really narrow down exactly what it is you want to do. Whether it’s starting your own travel business, selling designer fashion apparels or becoming a professional blogger; you’re going to want to start researching every aspect of the industry, its strengths and weaknesses, and what you will need to do to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

2. Draw Up a Business Plan

You can’t just apply for a business loan and expect to get one if you haven’t crunched the numbers and created a detailed business plan that takes into account all eventualities that could come up in the course of your business. Most lenders will want to see a business plan that covers 5-10 years into the future, so this won’t be easy, but it is essential.

3. Secure Financing

Once you have your business plan, it’s time to start seeking that much-needed finance. It’s always worth trying the banks first, but if you strike out with them, don’t worry because there are many other avenues that could prove more fruitful, from crowdfunding to angel investors. The key is to not give up at the first hurdle – keep going until you convince someone that your idea is worth investing in!

4. Make it Official

If you have secured the funds you need, and you’re ready to start trading, make it official! How you do this will depend wholly on where you are operating from, but a good corporate lawyer will be able to tell you what you need to do to incorporate your business and start trading wherever you are. Yes, they are expensive, but if you want your business to be set up right from the start, it’s money well spent.

5. Trademark Your Business

Once that’s all sorted, you may want to consider trademarking various aspects of your business so that they cannot be copied or stolen by other people. Even if you aren’t selling unique products, it is probably a good idea to trademark your business name if you want to ensure that other companies can’t piggyback off it and possibly bring your company into disrepute by association.

6. Work Hard

Now, the hard work really begins. It’s rare for a new business not to struggle in those first few years, but you need to stick with it, keep working hard and never stop striving if you want your company to be one of the few that are still around in 5 years’ time.

So many people with great business ideas never do anything about it and many of those who do give up way too soon. Don’t be one of them, take these simple steps to get your business off the ground and be the success you know you can be!

Whenever you make a commercial investment, you need to make sure that you take your time and not rush into any decision without doing your due diligence. It is up to buyers and investors to ensure that the acquisition they are pursuing is of good value and more importantly, that everything is done above board legally. There are a number of parts to this process, many of which will be undertaken by a property surveyor.

Here are five ways in which a property surveyor will help you to ensure that the deal you are making is the best that it can be.

1. Value the Asset

The primary function of a property surveyor is to evaluate the asset in question. This involves them making an assessment and, according to a number of different criteria, deciding what the current market value of the asset is. There are many factors involved in the evaluation, as such, it requires the careful eye of an experienced professional in order to arrive at an accurate valuation.

For an inexperienced individual, it would be far too easy to be led astray by incorrect information supplied by the current owner. This isn’t necessarily done to deceive you as an act of deliberate malice; it may simply be that the current owner is unaware or incorrectly informed as to the applicable regulations. In any case, you will need someone on hand who can evaluate and weigh up all the information put before them and arrive at a reasonable and dependable conclusion.

2. Estimate Costs

As part of determining the current value of the asset, a property surveyor will also be in a position to conduct a thorough assessment. From this, they can determine both the short-term and long-term costs that will be required in order to bring the property up to code. Many properties also have a number of ongoing costs associated with them which can be a nasty surprise if you don’t know about them beforehand. In fact, they can turn an affordable property into an unaffordable one and this can create serious problems. A property surveyor will give you peace of mind and allow you to plan your budget properly and accurately.

3. Offer Construction Guidance

A property surveyor will be able to tell you exactly what construction, if any, will be required on the property before it can be used for its intended purpose. If any renovations, upgrades, or other additions will be required; then the property surveyor can lay these out for you and give you an estimate of the cost. This will help you to avoid any legal disputes further down the line. You can find experienced urban surveying specialists here.

4. Avoid Disputes

There is nothing more devastating for a property investor than acquiring a new asset only to be inundated with lawsuits and other legal disputes because the asset in question is not up to code. Both civil litigation, and the more serious matters of criminal negligence, can end up being very costly for a property owner. A surveyor will be able to reassure you that there are no grounds for anyone to pursue such claims against you.

Before you purchase any commercial property, you should engage the services of a property surveyor. This will help you to dodge any unpleasant surprises further down the line which could have serious repercussions for your finances.

Got any other questions? Engage an experienced urban surveying specialist here!

A garden is meant to be enjoyed. From visual beauty to peaceful relaxation, landscaping can make or break what you are after. Whether you want a place to sit calmly on a warm summer evening or a place to grow some of nature’s most beautiful plants, your garden should be landscaped to perfection to suit your lifestyle.

How Do You Use Your Garden?

The very first thing you should consider is how you use your garden area. Do you plant herbs and edible plants, or is it a place to relax after a long, hard day at work? The ultimate purpose of your garden will impact your landscaping, so the first thing you want to do is purpose your garden area. Once you’ve defined that, you can set about designing the ideal landscaping complete with gazebos and garden sheds.

Do You Have a Pool Area?

Sometimes homeowners have an in-ground pool built without factoring a place to get out of that direct sun and into a cooler shady spot. Perhaps you often host pool parties and are in need of a gazebo in which you can barbeque or grill wonderful steaks for entertaining friends and family. A large enough gazebo could serve multiple purposes and give you the most enjoyment in your poolside garden area. You can easily find a gazebo that will suit your garden area, especially if you are looking for a specific type of structure.

Decide What You Need in a Gazebo

Some families like that seaside appeal that you would get with a thatched roof and others prefer something a bit more solid, especially if they will be grilling out often. Do you want the entire gazebo open to the air or would you like one or more sides closed in? Not only should you consider the aesthetics of your garden but also the purpose for which you are going to use your gazebo most.

Consider Adding Hanging and Potted Plants

Since you are going to spend a decent amount of time in your garden; whether enjoying your pool or friendly barbeques on a warm summer’s eve, you will want to carry the landscaping through the entire area. Some homeowners add amazingly beautiful potted plants in oversized clay pots whilst others use hanging plants around the perimeter of their gazebo to carry the garden into where they will be entertaining. It is a garden, after all, so you would expect to see flowers, shrubs and vines throughout!

Your garden landscape should always suit the ultimate purpose you are after. Whether you are going to find peaceful relaxation by yourself to get away from the noise and confusion of the day or will be doing a fair amount of entertaining; the landscaping should reflect your lifestyle. There is nothing quite as lovely as a well-planned garden and nothing more suited than a wonderfully-designed and functional gazebo. Always landscape your grounds to suit your tastes, among which lifestyle is of ultimate importance. There is no reason why you can’t get outdoors more often, just plan your garden well and you can do just that.

For those of us who dream of travelling the world or settling down and starting a new life in a far-off country, Singapore is an increasingly sought after option. Nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia with over 7,000 multinational companies operating here, global citizens will certainly fit right in.  

Singapore’s workforce is considered to be one of the best in the world when it comes to their attitude to work, productivity and technical ability. Apart from their diligence and capability; the Singapore workforce is constantly striving towards excellence and skills upgrading. Langauge is never a problem as most Singaporeans converse in proficient English.

For those wishing to begin a new life chapter and take the plunge, there are specific industries that the government is focusing its efforts on when it comes to recruiting internationally. These industries are chemicals, electronics, IT, engineering, and biomedical sciences. Although Singapore’s unemployment rates are topping the highest levels in the last 5 years; it is still lower than that of other developed countries.

Expatriates who choose to live and work in Singapore find that they are able to adapt quickly to the lifestyle, both in and out of work.

When choosing to move to a new country, there are many things to consider and one of the key consideration is accommodation. As a foreigner, you may face some difficulty finding the perfect apartment for you and your family, but fret not; here is a virtual checklist that might aid you in your planning.

Look at exactly how much you are prepared to set aside for your housing because it can be a different story if your company is paying for it. A good starting range would be from SGD$3,000 – SGD$6,000. By setting a limit in this way, it will help you narrow down your choices. Prices vary from district to district and an SGD$5,000 a month budget for rental can get you an apartment of about 1,000 sq ft to 1,300 sq ft. If you have an SGD$15,000 a month budget, a luxurious apartment with facilities such as swimming pool and gym could be yours.


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 HDB Flats. Image Credit: Mothership.SG
HDB Flats. Image Credit: Mothership.SG

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) was set up to build homes for the masses, and approximately 85% of the population live in HDB flats. The rest live in private homes. Renting an HDB flat in Singapore is much cheaper, but they do not offer amenities such as swimming pools or tennis courts. The going rate for such property is somewhere between SGD$2,500 and SGD$3,500

Landed Houses
Houses in Singapore command a lower rental price than a condo in the same district and the price is more dependant upon the condition rather than the location. If you prefer a bigger space and are looking to have a garden, a landed house may be preferable but this might also mean that you probably will need a car to get about. The expected rent is around the SGD$8,000 mark for a 2,500sqft 15-yr-old terrace house outside the city.

Take into consideration where you and your spouse will work; and if you have children, where they will go to school. Then, try to aim for a location somewhere in the middle so that none of you has to travel far and go through an inconvenient commuting experience. This also entails thinking about convenient nearby amenities such as public transport and supermarkets. 

If you are living in Singapore for less than 12 months, then you don’t need to worry about converting your foreign driving license to a Singapore one as you may drive with a valid International Driving Permit issued by a foreign Automobile Association.

For foreigners residing in Singapore for an extended period of time or who is a Singapore Permanent Resident, you are required to convert your driving license. More information can be found at Conversion to Singapore Driving Licence. If you switch your driving license within 12 months from the date you first entered the country, you only need to pass the Basic Theory Test that allows you to familiarise yourself with Singapore’s Highway Code. You can also import your own vehicle, provided it is less than three years old.

 Singapore MRT Train. Image Credit: Singapore Business Review
Singapore MRT Train. Image Credit: Singapore Business Review

Singapore’s public transport system, such as the MRT, is pretty affordable. For SGD$120 a month, you can have unlimited rides on both the bus and train! This pales in comparison to buying a car in Singapore which costs at least SGD$80000+ for an average sedan car.

Eating out might be considerably cheaper than preparing a meal at home. It all depends on where you shop and what you are shopping for. There are plenty of supermarkets offering a range of local, European, American and Australian foods. Most foods are imported and you may well be quite surprised that the cost of fresh meat is higher than frozen meat.

 Image Credit: The Best Singapore
Image Credit: The Best Singapore

Alternatively, you can visit the local wet market to pick up fresh meat and fish and as well as fruits and vegetables for a much lower cost. The prices at the local wet market are substantially lower than those you will find in the supermarkets. It’s all a matter of choice and budget of course. The one price hike that is a cause for concerns for most visitors to Singapore is that of the alcohol. If you are partial to a glass of wine or two, expect a decent bottle to set you back over SGD$30.

It’s is widely agreed that the medical facilities in Singapore are amongst the most excellent and most luxurious in the world. Many of the private hospitals have the air of a luxury hotel and they include incredible facilities. A large number of the medical staff, doctors and specialists have been trained overseas.

 Farrer Park Hospital
Farrer Park Hospital

Prices vary widely between individual hospitals, but you can expect to pay anything between SGD$30 – SGD$45 for an initial consultation alone. Visiting your dentist for a simple “check up” may cost from SGD$30 and above. The cost for a child may be slightly less and may begin at approximately SGD$20. This is purely for consultation though, and any further dental work that may be required will be billed on top of that.

The most straightforward and best advice that I can give to you is to have a comprehensive medical insurance package that covers you and any family members. If a company move has prompted your relocation, part of your compensation package might include such a policy. If not, make sure you are covered privately.

Clothing and What to Wear
For a tropical climate like Singapore, fill your wardrobe with light summer clothing. Go for practical items that are made of natural fabric to maximise comfort; especially when you are out and about to enjoy the sights and sounds of Singapore. You will find that the majority of restaurants and nightclubs do not enforce a strict dress code. This means that casual clothing including polo and t-shirts, jeans, blouses and skirts, right down to your sneakers are accepted at most venues. With that being said, if you wish to dress up when you venture out for the evening, formal wear such as suits and evening dresses are always appreciated in Singapore’s trendiest of night spots.

Need some help finding your way around Singapore?

Let us know how we can assit you and we are more than happy to help you settle-in to living in Singapore!

Let’s look at how much the world has advanced over the years including the way we do business today!

When you first turn on your computer and you search for something on Google, you will see many different results that are displayed on the first page (try comparing your results with someone else and see if you both have the same results using the same search terms).

The results that are listed on the first page of the search results are often due to the way advertising is done by businesses on the Internet and you may even have heard of digital marketing strategies like Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Content Creation.

In hopes of finding new customers, businesses are using Google to market themselves. With all the competition that’s going on in the world today, it is hard to stand out (and especially more so) when you are new to the world. 

How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors and where do you start are some popular questions that new entrants to the digital marketing space have.

Of course, you will not meet the eyes of everyone in this world, and even if you do; you will probably come across consumers who are loyal to only one specific company. Well, that’s okay because that’s life. An Apple fanboy will always be an Apple fanboy. That’s why Apple is a prime example of a company with high-quality products with an exceptional marketing strategy!

There are also some businesses who feel that their brick and mortar shop brings enough business for them and thus, do not need any additional form of marketing. That is perfectly okay too because to each their own, different businesses have got different goals and needs.

Unfortunately, I also do know of many small medium enterprises (SMEs) out there that are struggling to get by but yet remain stagnant and indifferent to how they market their products and services.

In my opinion as a marketer, you can never do enough marketing.

Why not get your business out to as many people as possible? Can you ever make enough money in this world?

You can make enough money to live comfortably, but the more you make- the more you can invest into your business and products.

It’s all about finding a happy medium and digital marketing is one that has a low barrier to entry.

Can you think of the hundreds of marketing possibilities that you can do over the Internet? Which ones are the best and most effective?

Well, it depends on personal preference but one of my favorite ways is through social media marketing!

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is so effective in today’s society because there are almost 2.5 billion people who use social media this year.

That is considerably a lot of people and a lot of opportunities! Obviously, not everyone will visit your website but it does give you an idea that there is so much potential in digital marketing! 

Quick Tip:

If you have not tried advertising your business on social media, I would highly recommend you do so immediately. It has done wonders for the advertisement of cars for sale in Clearwater fl.

However, if social media is not your thing, you can always hire a social media consultant or a marketing consultant like myself to help you out in this field. Just drop me an email anytime!

Another tip to grow your social media presence is to hold a contest within the first month of starting your profile. This will help you grow right off the bat, and continue to get your business and brand out there.

Ultimately, don’t worry about overexposing yourself because a business needs as much exposure as it can get and in fact, the more exposure, the better!

Imagine a world where driving a few hundred kilometers won’t be such an exhausting activity! If the car does all the driving; you can relax, enjoy a movie, catch up on work, or simply drive in style while day dreaming about your wonderful life.

For now, driverless cars (or as I would like to call them, the real remote-controlled cars) are a work in progress. Apple is currently working on autonomous systems that will be a big deal for the future of self-driving cars. However, they didn’t announce any progress up until now so I guess we’d still have to wait.

Tesla is further along the way with their autopilot feature but we still can’t call this a completely self-driving car as it still requires human supervision and assistance. However, things seem to be moving a little faster for the car producer than they are for Apple.

But what exactly does this mean for the future of transportation? Let’s take a look at how our future would look like when cars can think for themselves.

Zero Accidents and Loss of Human Lives

Human error is the number one cause of car accidents all over the world and about 1.3 million people die each year. With self-driving cars, this number will hopefully be reduced to zero.

However, the main condition for this to happen is to have only autonomous cars on the road. With complex sensors and powerful computers, autonomous cars will have the ability to assess the road situation and obstacles, make decisions, and adjust its speed and driving style accordingly.

You can call your Car

This is already a possibility with the Prius A.V.O.S by Toyota where the rider can summon the car using a phone app. However, the system is still not advanced enough to call the car from the garage at home when you’re in town for a conference.

In the future, we should be able to call the car to pick us up from work or to send it back to the garage when we don’t need it. While speaking to John at RC rank, he says that the big cars should behave just like advanced RC cars today; except that it’s not being controlled by a remote but the onboard computer which will be the one doing the guidance.

Faster Transportation

With autonomous cars, transportation will be a lot faster and traffic jams will reduce to a minimum. It is assumed that once cars take over the task of driving, we won’t need traffic lights or signals and the driving speed will increase.

The self-driving car will be able to plot the most direct course to the destination and it will communicate with the other cars on the road in order to keep the traffic fluid.

This also means less stress in traffic for humans – you will actually enjoy the car ride to work and back since you won’t have to worry about driving or sitting in traffic for hours.

Less Pollution

Even if autonomous cars will still run on fossil fuels, they will be capable of implementing a more efficient way of driving. This means less carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere by cars, which leads to a cleaner, healthier environment. 

The autonomous car will be an improvement to the lives we live today. We’ll be less stressed, healthier, and happier.

But when will that happen?

Nobody knows for sure; probably 20-30 or 40 years down the road.

Do you know that the main obstacle to getting a promotion is yourself?

Can’t see how it is possible?

Well, to put it simply, the opinion that people around you (including your boss), builds of your person, and your performance influences the final decision. Naturally, there are measurable metrics, such as monitoring your productivity but what can make it a win or a fail is the impression that others have of you. You may be hardworking and qualify for a promotion but if your attitude and look send the wrong impression, then you’ll never get anywhere.

Here are four ways to change your boss’s mind and get that well-deserved promotion.

1. Dress for the Part

It’s as simple as that; if you want to become a team manager, you need to dress and act like a team manager. No, that doesn’t mean telling your co-workers off for turning up late, but instead, it’s about adopting the essential traits of the role you want.

In other words, you might want to have a look at the latest office fashion to upgrade your wardrobe and while you’re at it, consider getting an auto loan to upgrade your car that speaks of power. The rules of the business game are pretty straightforward; people find it easy to imagine you in a position if you’re already behaving like you have it.

2. Improve Your Communication

The way you express your ideas, your enthusiasm, and your feedback, can indicate whether you can be trusted with bigger responsibilities. But more importantly, the way you make others feel through your behavior and unspoken communication can get you through any business door successfully. Little things like maintaining eye contact and managing stress can make a big difference in how confident other feel about you.

3. Improve Your Skills

Getting a promotion means that you will naturally need to apply a different kind of knowledge and skillset. More often than not, you’ll need a deeper understanding of your existing skills which you can get via training. While it’s not always easy to justify training investment within a business (especially if you’re training for a personal purpose), you can find a lot of online material to help you through. Google, for example, is providing free training for Google Analytics via its Academy and it provides a mix of theory and examples of best practices. If you work in the marketing and web design area, Google Analytics will be a tool that you need to use.

4. Go the Extra Mile

The extra mile makes all the difference between an employee who works and an employee who cares. It’s about making sure that you deliver the best possible results, even if it implies staying a little longer after 5 PM, or researching your project a little more thoroughly than you’d have thought. Employers are quick to notice high-quality work and to reward it trophys. Be careful though, Going the extra mile doesn’t mean accepting unrealistic workload or staying up all night to finish a task. It’s about giving all your attention to each project and it’s not something that you can do if you’re aiming to take on more than you can bite.

Try these four tips that we have to impress your employer to give you your dream promotion but bear in mind that none of these will work if you’re not passionate about what you do in the first place!

It is not a an easy task to create a team of employees that is a perfect fit for your business. In fact, when you manage to create an ideal team for your business’ needs, you will naturally want to hold onto them for as long as possible. However, doing so isn’t always an easy task.

As every business owner knows, holding onto a team is never easy but with that being said, it’s not impossible to keep hold of your team. More often than not, it’s just a case of knowing the steps that you need to take to keep them onboard. To hold onto your amazing team, here are some suggested hacks that you can take note of and implement:

  • Operate An Open Door Policy

By operating an open door policy, you make your team members feel valued. Tell them that they can come to you about anything and that you will listen to their concerns. Whether they want to discuss an idea that they have for a new project or have a personal problem that they need support with, be there for them. An open door policy fosters a relationship that is built on open communication, which is what all employees crave. Having a boss that they can openly talk to is something that is highly valuable to the majority of people.

  • Help Them Progress

Don’t be the kind of employer that holds their employees back. Climbing the career ladder is important for your employees, just like it was for you, so don’t make the mistake of holding them back. Instead, be supportive of their career aspirations and do everything that you can to help them progress. Offer specialist training, such as signing them up to one of the classes that Training Connection offer so that it can help them improve their skills and build their resume. Always advertise jobs internally before sharing them externally. Employers that promote from within tend to keep their team members for longer than employers that don’t promote from within.

  • Thank Them

Paying your employees isn’t enough because the fact is, people appreciate being personally thanked for things. If a team member has brought in a new client, thank them for it. If they have worked hard on a project and got some incredible results, then it pays to thank them. Whether by simply saying thank you, giving them a round of applause at the next meeting, or giving them a little bonus; it doesn’t matter, just as long as your team knows that you appreciate their hard work.

  • Create A Nice Working Environment

People value a nice working environment; which is why it is so important to create a place that is nice to work in. When it comes to the layout of your office and the facilities that are available, it’s important to be mindful of what your team wants from their workplace. A great way to ensure that you are giving your employees what they need is to ask them what they want from their workplace. Send out a feedback form and use the feedback that you receive to create a nice working environment.

Tried one of the hacks above? Feel free to share your comments and let us know how the hacks have worked out for you!