Going back to study can be both exciting and scary at the same time but it need not be if you are thoroughly prepared. There are many reasons for wanting to go back to study. Whether it is to get a better job, to improve your skills, or simply to see where it takes you; it is always important to be prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally. When we’re young, we don’t always know what we want to do and we often feel too pressured to decide. After all, many people who decide which path to take when they are young end up changing it later on anyway!
The good news is, you’re never too old to go back to study!
However, there are a couple of important questions that you should ask yourself first.
1. Are You Prepared To Do An Access Course?
Luckily, if you’re a mature student, you don’t have to worry too much about whether you’re qualified enough to begin learning as most places will also look at your experience. With that being said, you may need to be prepared to do an access course. Access courses are usually short but intense, so you need to be prepared for this if you want to get on the course that you really wish to do.
2. Have You Chosen The Right Course?
This is going to be a decision that will take up a lot of time in your life. You’re going to live and breathe your new course, even if you choose a flexible option. Make sure the course curriculum is what you expect it to be. Speak to students who have already done the course. Weigh up the pros and cons. This isn’t to put you off or give you analysis paralysis, but you need to make sure that the course you’re going to do is what you really want.
3. How Will You Fund Your Study?
Funding your study is probably your main concern. If you’re lucky enough to have a part-time job that can fit your study schedule, you won’t have to worry too much. There are a few options available if you need some extra help. You could get a personal loan to help fund your learning, or see if there are any official student grants that you can take advantage of. In some cases, schools will loan you money for your education and even offer you a small sum of money for monthly maintenance. Just make sure you know exactly how this will be paid back once you have completed your course.
4. Will You Be Able To Fit Your Studies Around Your Current Lifestyle?
You might have stars in your eyes at the moment, dreaming about how you’re going to make this work. You might convince yourself that you’re going to be able to fit it all in, but you really need to make sure that you’re not going to be overwhelmed. One way of doing this is by looking at your calendar and then blocking out your time; figuring out how much time you’ll have for the rest of your responsibilities when you’ve taken this into account.
Thought of any other questions that may come in handy for those who are contemplating on going back to study? Share them in the comments section below!