


It’s impossible to deny the lure of cars. There’s something inherently pleasurable about a mode of transport that is entirely personalised and will go wherever we tell it to go. Cars offer the freedom and flexibility that few other transport options are able to match; and as a result, find a pride of place in homes as if they are another member of the family.

However, cars were not always the reliable, incredibly-engineered vehicles that we know and love today. In fact, cars have never been better than they are right now. If you want to enjoy a fresh level of appreciation for your vehicle, let’s look at how owning, driving, and living alongside cars has improved over the years…

Driver assistance

Technology has brought forth a staggering array of driver assistance measures. From blind spot monitoring to automatic braking; driving a modern car is safer and simpler than it has ever been before. While these technological advancements can’t replace careful and cautious driving entirely, they are undoubtedly incredible tools that can add an extra layer of vigilance to any car journey.

Improved accident management

If an accident happened 30 years ago, ascertaining fault was largely a case of interviewing witnesses and trying to put two-and-two together based on the damage to the vehicles. These techniques, however, are undoubtedly less-than-ideal, and could result in situations where a driver who wasn’t at fault couldn’t prove his/her innocence due to lack of evidence.

This isn’t the case anymore. Thanks to innovations like dash cams and accident reconstruction, it’s far simpler to learn exactly who is to blame and who is financially responsible. This means that not only are the roads now safer, they’re also fairer for everyone too!

More stringent laws

When cars first came into common usage, there weren’t many laws about how they could be used. It took a long time for mandatory laws such as seatbelts and traffic signals to be introduced; the early years of cars and humans were largely lawless, which also meant they were more dangerous. Over the past five decades, every accident has been analysed to try and prevent it from happening again, and laws and mandatory guidelines have been put in place to keep the public safe when behind the wheel.

Environmentally-beneficial changes

Cars are polluters; we all know this, and the vast majority of people are concerned about the issues that this fact poses to the environment. However, it’s worth noting that cars are now less polluting than they have ever been before. Technological improvements to combustion engines have increased MpG rating incredibly, while hybrid and electrical cars are improving all the time. It’s now possible to look forward to a world where cars are no longer seen as a source of dirty pollutants, and are improved to a point where the environment suffers few side effects of vehicle usage among the populace.

In conclusion

There’s no doubt that life as a car owner and driver is better, safer, and more advanced than it has ever been before. That leaves you free to enjoy the delights of your car and look forward to a continued pace of improvement in the future.

The interior is chic and the exterior is shiny; your new car is certainly the pride and joy in your life right now. You have always wanted to own a sophisticated vehicle and now you have managed to buy your own that you couldn’t be happier. Getting a new car is exciting but driving safely is still extremely important. Don’t be blinded by the glossiness of your new wheels! Hit the road safely and you will be able to make the most out of your new ride.

Know Your Rights

When you hit the road in your new vehicle, you want to make sure you are well informed of your legal rights if you are involved in an accident that isn’t your fault. Get in touch with Abelson Law today if you want to learn more about what to do for this type of incident. Similarly, if you have been involved in a collision recently and need to be represented by an attorney, they will be able to provide someone to guide you through the entire process.

Get Covered

When you change your vehicle, you need to make sure your insurance company is aware. Perhaps you are driving a faster car than before and your premiums need to increase a little. You shouldn’t step into your new car and hit the roads without having valid car insurance.

Drive Safely

You want your new car to last for a long time right? Then make sure you are always driving safely. It can be very easy to get over excited and forget about road safety when you are rolling around with your new shiny set of wheels. The rules of the road apply to you whether you have a new fancy car or not, so never forget the highway code. This also involves refraining from drinking alcohol or talking on your mobile phone and texting- all of these risky acts could land you in serious danger on the road so just don’t do it.

Don’t Get Too Confident

Riding around with a new gleaming car might give you a sudden boost of confidence when driving. After all, it is much cleaner and more attractive than your old banger. Don’t get too confident when you are driving your new set of wheels and remember to stick to the speed limits. Any kind of reckless driving is simply unnecessary and you will be putting other people in danger if you choose to act out whilst behind the wheel.

Whether you have been driving for a few months or several years; you are never too experienced to learn something new. Make sure you are always aware of your surrounding and never take your safety for granted. If you are unfortunate enough to experience a car collision, seek out the relevant legal advice and remain calm at all times. You want your new car to last a long time, so find a balance of being stylish and safe simultaneously.

It’s hard to believe that cars have only been around for a century or so and yet, they are so ingrained into the way we live our lives and organise our time. Cars are certainly an integral part of the picture of modern day life.

The history of cars

Since their inception, the role that cars play has changed massively. When they were first invented, they were the playthings of only the richest, used as much for fun jaunts and showing off to friends as dependable means of transportation. Over time, as the costs of production lowered and safety standards began to rise; more and more people were able to purchase a vehicle of their own.

Car ownership has changed consistently since we began to share our lives with our four-wheeled friends. As cars have become more and more popular, the number of cars on the road has also risen exponentially. By the 90s, cars were commonplace and we all loved them… but then, the relationship began to sour.

The problematic truths of car usage

As time passed, we become more and more aware of the advantages cars offer to us— but also the disadvantages.

Arguably the biggest disadvantage is the state of modern roads. Modern roads are busy; overwhelmingly, crushingly busy in fact, and you can easily spend half an hour trying to move a mile during the rush hour. Modern roads are also dangerous, with the threats being particularly notable from larger vehicles such as trucks and lorries. When cars tangle with these large freight vehicles, the results can be extreme, and the incident can require the help of the likes of to unpick.

It’s not just trucks and lorries that are dangerous either. As the stats on show, roads are becoming more dangerous, not less. Distracted driving — driving while texting, for example — is being blamed for part of the increase in accidents.

It’s not just safety that has soured the public perception of cars either. By far, the biggest hit to the car’s reputation came in the wake of the VW emissions scandal; when emissions were falsely declared as safe when they were actually extremely polluting. As more people become aware of the impact that driving cars has on the environment and see that the big companies don’t seem particularly committed to cleaning up their act, it’s natural to wonder… what is the future of car ownership?

Ask Jay Leno

Realistically, the answer to this question may have come from an unusual source: notable car lover, Jay Leno. Leno believes that combustion engine vehicles will one day follow a similar route to horses. Horses were once upon a time, the main mode of transportation; but in the 21st century, they’re used for leisure and enjoyment while we rely on other transport methods to get around. Leno believes combustion vehicles will follow the same pattern and the signs indicate that he might be right.

A future in which we still enjoy the roar of a combustion engine for fun but rely on hybrids and electric vehicles for actual transport is indeed a tantalising one that would help to solve many environmental concerns; but without denting the pleasure of driving for fans of conventional-engine cars. We can consider that a best of both worlds scenario, and one that could signify the future of car ownership.

No matter how good your intentions may be, a simple journey away with the family can turn into a nightmare vacation because of one thing; travel. Travel becomes one of those things that we would rather do without when going on a relaxing vacation. However, if you are taking it upon yourself to drive the family cross-country, stress can get the better of you and everyone else.

As relaxation and calmness is pivotal to a long journey, how can we bring relaxation them to the forefront of our minds?

Allow More Time

Part of the stress of being on the road is that you are in a rush to get somewhere and this puts yourself in a stressful mindset right away. To overcome this, allow more time for your journey and check traffic conditions before you head off so that you can arrive early, even with some traffic delays.

Minimise Distractions

We’ve got more distractions than ever in our cars; from our smartphones to the various functions in our vehicle. Your overriding duty is to keep an eye on the road. So think about this before anything else.

Avoid Aggressive Drivers

If someone else on the road is driving without due care, do your best to keep your distance. The more annoyed you get by seeing this other driver being all over the road takes your attention off the task of driving. On it says you cannot control the driving habits of others, even if you are incredibly safe behind the wheel. We can easily get into the habit of driving aggressively if we see everyone else doing it. There’s no point in reacting by braking or swerving suddenly because you will lose control of the car. It’s better to focus on your own road manners.

Allow Time To Calm Down

Long journeys, multiple distractions in the car, and as well as the fact that it’s incredibly tiring to drive a long stretch; means that breaks are vital to your road skills. For every two hours that you’re on the road, it’s best to have a 15-minute break. Sometimes this isn’t enough, especially if you’ve had a couple of stressful encounters on the road. The best way to make the most of your break is to take your mind off the pressures of driving, especially if you have a predilection for stress. On there are some great little suggestions for how you can recharge quickly. It’s best to think about what you need to calm down and reinvigorate yourself before you get back out on the road.

As everybody is in a rush, the road can be a very hostile place; whether you’re going to be on a long journey or short journey. This is why you need to prepare yourself and find suitable methods to calm down before you set foot in the vehicle.

Tesla has taken the automotive world by storm in recent years. Fronted by South African CEO Elon Musk, Tesla has changed the face of the electric car industry. While other manufacturers are catching up, Tesla has dibs on the current electric market. Rather than treating cars as cars, they release vehicles which aren’t far from computers on wheels. In an age where we’re forever edging closer to automated cars, this is a definite step in the right direction. Though relatively new to the industry, Tesla is paving the way for other manufacturers to follow in their footsteps and yet, they still manage to be a cut above the rest.

Thanks to Tesla, autonomous driving is a possibility. As can be seen in this article at, Tesla was the first to bring to the world; an autopilot system in a commercial vehicle. That’s something everyone from Audi to Mercedes-Benz are now getting on board with.

Now, we’re looking down the barrel of the Tesla Model 3, and wondering whether it’s worth the risk. Admittedly, it’s not been a smooth road. Release dates have been set back time and time again, and Musk has continually promised production rates that the company has failed to deliver. So, one of the most hailed releases of last year ended up trickling its way onto the market in dribs and drabs as production plodded on. Even now, nearly a year after Musk’s estimations, production is still limited. 

It seems there are a few reasons for the hold-up. On one hand, demand for the vehicle far surpassed Tesla’s capabilities. Though they’re making big ripples, they’re still struggling against larger corporations and that can be seen from the fact that the delivery of 1,542 Model 3 cars by the second half of last year was about 2,900; which was less than estimated. What’s more, rumors of production difficulties have been abound; with horror stories of faulty equipment piling up outside Tesla factories. In fact, as can be seen on articles like this one at, some say up to 40% of Tesla parts were so flawed they couldn’t be installed.  While many were able to look past the long wait for this release, this could prove the nail in many buyer’s coffin, and as well as opening the manufacturers to lawsuits from companies like Hence, production was held back yet again as Tesla attempted to iron these kinks.

With all these issues, you may ask whether it’s worth taking a chance on the Model 3.

Starting at $35,000, this is Tesla’s cheapest offering yet and Musk states that it is the company’s attempt to keep the cost of car ownership reasonable. What’s more, despite its issues, the Model 3 is on the cusp of becoming the best-selling midsize Sedan on the U.S. market. This is a pretty mean feat given that production is so limited. With that in mind, you may well want to give Tesla a try after all. What’s the worst that can happen?

If you own a car, then this is definitely an article you need to read. Below this little introduction is a few situations that you should really prepare yourself for. I’m not saying each one is 100% guaranteed to happen, but it’s 100% beneficial for you to know what goes down if the situation ever does occur. Check them out:

Burst Tires

A burst tire can happen at literally any given moment for any given reason. Common causes of tire bursts include having low pressure in your tires or running over an object that punctures your tire. In this scenario, you need to slow down and pull over to a safe spot as soon as you can. This could be the side of the road, or if you’re lucky enough, near a safe parking place. From here, you can call someone to come and help you out, or you can replace the tire yourself. If you look on, you’ll find a neat little guide that will help you change a tire for the first time. After this, you can get back in your car and drive home safely! In most cases, your replacement tire is more of a temporary tire, so you should take your car to a garage and get a proper one fitted as soon as possible.

Car Accidents

Hopefully, you will make it through life without being in a car accident. However, there are some pretty stupid people on the roads that can cause one with you. Even if you have a minor accident, you still need to know how to operate after it. It mentions on that you should seek medical attention right away. That’s the number one thing; see if anyone is hurt and get them help if needed. Then, it’s a case of exchanging insurance details, taking photos of the incident, getting contact info from any willing witnesses, and calling the authorities to file an incident report. After that, you will contact your insurance provider, and they’ll go through the proceedings with you. Hopefully, it’s not a drawn-out affair, and you get compensation for the incident!

Dead Car Battery

All cars have a battery inside them that help power different parts of the vehicle. It’s quite common for this battery to die if it’s old, or when you’ve left the light on in your car. When this happens, it means your car won’t start. So, if you’ve got yourself a dead battery, what can you do? The good news is, you can still start your car, you just need to give it an extra boost. This is generally in the form of jumpstarting it by hooking some cables to your battery and another car battery – or a battery pack. Don’t worry, there’s a video above this point that shows you how to do this! It’s vital everyone knows how to jumpstart their car as it’s probably an issue you’ll come across at some point.

Prepare yourself for all three of these scenarios and you’ll be best placed to cope with them if they ever present themselves!

This is simply the truest saying there ever was. We rely on cars so heavily that even if we could walk to the shops nearby to get that vegetable which we forgot for the roast dinner; we would rather drive than walk. Simple little tasks would be made so difficult if we didn’t have a car. However, the one thing that every driver seems to moan about is the cost of running a car; which is really high. You’ve got things like repairs, insurance, fuel etc. and by the end of the month, you might have come to the realisation that the amount you’ve paid to run your car could have gotten you an extremely fancy meal out. But, we certainly can’t live without cars and so, we pump all our money into them in hope that they’ll carry on running for us. Since we can’t live without them, here’s what you can do to improve how you live with owning a car.

Cut Some Costs

It’s no secret that owning a car is just one big money drainer, so let’s start with one of the biggest issues, fuel. Now, there’s nothing you can do to change the price of the fuel you’re putting in, but there are ways to conserve it. Always keeping to the speed limit and always driving economically is one. Only taking the journeys you really need to make is another. If the shop that you need to go to is literally right down the road for you, you don’t need to drive! Insurance has to be the second biggest pain in the bum. It can either be one big payout, or spread across the months of the year. The first is the better option. It gets it out of the way and the premium is certainly cheaper. If you want to make it even cheaper, keeping a clean license record will help to reduce the premium over time as well.

Fix The Problems

Some cars are just destined to break. Whatever you do, don’t ignore a problem. No matter how bad the cost is, it’ll only get worse as time goes on. Take it to an auto repair center, and see how much it is going to cost to get the problem fixed. A lot of people assume it’s going to cost hundreds, which is why they don’t bother taking it into the garage. Don’t get us wrong, some fixes will be in the hundreds, but others are so simple it will hardly cost you anything!

Find The Right Car For You

If you’re going to live with cars, then you need to make sure you’ve got the right car for you. Some cars just don’t suit some people’s finances and needs. For example, if you’ve got a family; a SUV or MPV might suit you more than say a sports car. If you’re a young adult, then something cheap like a simple hatchback is going to cost you less than something more flashy. Be smart and make the right decisions!

Defective brakes are a leading cause of car accidents. Such accidents can be fatal if braking is required at high speeds. To save you from a nasty accident, here are a number of ways that you can monitor your brakes for faults.

Don’t Ignore Warning Lights

If your brake warning light comes on, it’s worth visiting a repair centre immediately to diagnose the problem. It could mean that the ABS is no longer working or that there’s some other kind of defect. Occasionally, warning lights can be faulty and they do sometimes come on for no apparent problem. This can be dangerous as it could prevent you from being alerted when a real brake problem occurs – take heed and consider getting the warning light fixed.

Know the Warning Sounds

Screeching or squealing brakes is never a healthy sign. If this is happening every time you brake, it may be likely that your brake pads are worn out. This could make your brakes less effective and wear out your tires and suspension. Make a trip to the mechanics if you keep hearing screeching or squealing sounds every time you apply your brakes.

Know the Warning Smells

A burning smell coming from the tires could also be a sign of a serious brake problem. This smell can appear quickly and it’s best that you pull over as soon it is safe to do so and ring an emergency vehicle repair company. A burning smell could be an indication of many other faults so you should never ignore it.

Test your Brake Fluid

Your brake fluid needs to be topped up regularly and it can also benefit from occasional testing. Water can sometimes get into the brake fluid chamber and dilute the mixture; thus causing braking to become less effective. You can shop around online for the best brake fluid tester or you can get your brake fluid tested by a mechanic during your routine servicing. Make sure that you’re also putting the right fluid into your car as certain vehicles may only take a specific type of brake fluid – put the wrong liquid in and you could end up with lots of problems.

Check your Pedal

It’s important to also keep a note of how your brake pedal feels. Soft and spongy is never a good sign – ideally, a brake should feel firm, although not so firm that it feels like you’re doing a leg press. Consider how far your foot has to go down to the floor before the brakes start to kick in. Over time, the pedal may wear and the brakes may become less responsive. If you often have to slam your foot down to the floor each time, it is clearly dangerous and should be seen to by a mechanic. Make sure that the pedal itself is also in good condition so that your foot still has a good grip on it.

When you’re going on vacation, you need your car to be everything! The task of going on a road trip with you and a couple of friends is a tumultuous task, but imagine the stress when you throw into the mix some children! It can be one of the most difficult things anybody can endure; either as a parent or as someone who has offered to take the kids away to give the parents a break! So, what do you really need from your car to ensure that children of all ages will have a good journey so that you can too?


It’s vital to have enough entertainment to keep any child occupied. It depends on the child themselves, but if they are keen to have a sing-along, it’s important to have a car that doesn’t just have the standard radio but is new enough to have Bluetooth functions. Nowadays, children require so much more to keep them occupied, from iPads to mobile devices. It’s always best to head off with a Spotify playlist on your iPad that will keep the kids singing for at least 300 miles!


As you are transporting children hundreds of miles across the country, you’re going to need as much space as humanly possible. Hatchbacks are always the best option for transporting a family unit, such as the Honda Jazz, or the Honda Civic. If you are carrying children under the age of 2, they come with so much paraphernalia that it usually would benefit you to bring a spare helicopter to transport all this stuff! But as most of us aren’t in the budget for this, a spacious boot will have to do. If you’ve got siblings prone to arguing at the back, space gives them the opportunity to be as physically far away as possible from each other in this confined space.

Sophisticated Temperature Control

A lot of modern cars have seat warmers and if you don’t and you’re driving through areas that have four seasons in one day; you’re going to have a lot of complaints from the back seat. Having good quality temperature control that makes everybody comfy in the car is going to make for a happier journey all-round.

And while your car may have what it takes to go the distance, your frame of mind can struggle, especially with bickering children at the back. So, provide enough distractions to placate them. This includes snacks, as well as their own tablets to watch something, but also, make sure you have enough breaks to give everybody the opportunity to have some space. Whether you’re a parent taking the kids on their first cross-country journey, or you are the lucky aunt or uncle who doesn’t spend much time with the kids and drew the short straw; the best way to make sure everybody keep sane on a road trip is not just to plan ahead and make sure you’ve got everything to keep the kids entertained, but that the car itself is built to last these stressful journeys.

A time will come when you know it’s time to give up your old motor. You may have seen something else you like, your family situation may have outgrown your current car, or you may be paying a small fortune in repairs. Whatever the reason for selling, you have a number of options ahead of you. For example:

  • Sell privately, though as the wait for a buyer can be time-consuming, you may be stuck with your current motor before you can buy something new.
  • Use a website such as, though it’s unlikely you are going to get anywhere near the car’s value when selling.
  • Part-exchange, negotiating a fair deal with a garage or dealer when purchasing your car.

    In our opinion, the part-exchange option is by far the easiest and quickest way of getting rid of your old car. But how can you get value for money from the dealer? While you should still get more for your car than the aforementioned car-buying website, you won’t always get what you expect from a private sale. However, the following tips are near-essential if you want to get the best price.

1. Know how much your car is worth

It’s difficult to find out exactly how much your car is worth, but you can get a rough estimate. By doing a little research online or at car dealerships, you can find similar cars to yours in both age and model, giving you an understanding of the pricing you should be looking at. Alternatively, use an online valuation tool to help you figure out a trade-in price.

2. Add value to your car

There are many ways to add value to a car, including adding the latest safety tech and modifications. However, you don’t want to spend too much if you are looking to part-exchange your car imminently. Instead, look for ways you can easily boost the value at less cost. This includes making minor repairs such as fixing dents and scratches. You should also clean your car thoroughly, or use a professional valet service to make your car sparkle and shine.

3. Go to a specialist car dealer

If you’re looking for the same type of car as your current model, go to a specialist car dealer. Say you own a Merc (lucky you), and you’re interested in the New smart fortwo, your old Merc can be put to use on the lot in the used-car section. Exchanging a car of another type means the dealer has to go through the hassle of selling it elsewhere, and that might detrimentally affect the price they offer you. Of course, by visiting the specialist dealer, you are also working with people who understand the true value of your car so you are likely to get more during the exchange.

4. Negotiate with the dealer

If you have done your research, you will be in a strong position when you negotiate a deal. This will give the dealer less footing should they seek to undervalue your car when you’re discussing the part-exchange. They will still try to haggle with you, but stand firm, and show them proof of your research, such as quotes from other dealers or the results of the online valuation tool. If you get to a stalemate, be prepared to walk away. The dealer may offer you less for the car because they have struggled to shift similar models, so you may still get the deal you are after at a similar car dealership elsewhere.


It’s unlikely you will ever get top whack for your old car (even after depreciation), so you need to be prepared for some disappointment. However, our tips should help you get better value for money when you’re trying to secure a deal.