Tesla has taken the automotive world by storm in recent years. Fronted by South African CEO Elon Musk, Tesla has changed the face of the electric car industry. While other manufacturers are catching up, Tesla has dibs on the current electric market. Rather than treating cars as cars, they release vehicles which aren’t far from computers on wheels. In an age where we’re forever edging closer to automated cars, this is a definite step in the right direction. Though relatively new to the industry, Tesla is paving the way for other manufacturers to follow in their footsteps and yet, they still manage to be a cut above the rest.

Thanks to Tesla, autonomous driving is a possibility. As can be seen in this article at theverge.com, Tesla was the first to bring to the world; an autopilot system in a commercial vehicle. That’s something everyone from Audi to Mercedes-Benz are now getting on board with.

Now, we’re looking down the barrel of the Tesla Model 3, and wondering whether it’s worth the risk. Admittedly, it’s not been a smooth road. Release dates have been set back time and time again, and Musk has continually promised production rates that the company has failed to deliver. So, one of the most hailed releases of last year ended up trickling its way onto the market in dribs and drabs as production plodded on. Even now, nearly a year after Musk’s estimations, production is still limited. 

It seems there are a few reasons for the hold-up. On one hand, demand for the vehicle far surpassed Tesla’s capabilities. Though they’re making big ripples, they’re still struggling against larger corporations and that can be seen from the fact that the delivery of 1,542 Model 3 cars by the second half of last year was about 2,900; which was less than estimated. What’s more, rumors of production difficulties have been abound; with horror stories of faulty equipment piling up outside Tesla factories. In fact, as can be seen on articles like this one at bgr.com, some say up to 40% of Tesla parts were so flawed they couldn’t be installed.  While many were able to look past the long wait for this release, this could prove the nail in many buyer’s coffin, and as well as opening the manufacturers to lawsuits from companies like www.braunslaw.com. Hence, production was held back yet again as Tesla attempted to iron these kinks.

With all these issues, you may ask whether it’s worth taking a chance on the Model 3.

Starting at $35,000, this is Tesla’s cheapest offering yet and Musk states that it is the company’s attempt to keep the cost of car ownership reasonable. What’s more, despite its issues, the Model 3 is on the cusp of becoming the best-selling midsize Sedan on the U.S. market. This is a pretty mean feat given that production is so limited. With that in mind, you may well want to give Tesla a try after all. What’s the worst that can happen?


Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.

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