You are about to pop the question, but the greatest accessory to the surprise raises another question. Buying the perfect engagement ring is usually the hardest job for any man because the key challenge is to do all of these – the searching, surveying, and shopping without her knowledge. We’re pretty sure that at the end of your proposal, you’d want her to be brimming with joy, with a ring on her hand and hear that resounding “yes”.

A diamond ring is always the top choice that makes great engagement rings. Their brilliance and longevity mirror your commitment to stick together with your potential soulmate for better or for worse. Instead of being overwhelmed by the task; face it head-on, and look into displays after displays of diamond engagement rings. Take time to scrutinise each of them and consider the centre stone’s shape, colour, clarity, and carat because these terms will come up again during your purchase.

Talk about the Ring

Engagement rings and wedding bands often appear in couples’ conversations and your cue is to take advantage of an opening to bring up the subject of an engagement ring casually. She most likely has an affinity with a specific style or shape that she has seen in a magazine, and you are in luck if she’d be able to show it to you.

If you have not been following her social media feed closely, now is an excellent time to look at the pictures that she liked, shared, or added to her boards so that you can pick up some clues from there.

Cherish those random stops at jewellery shops because that’s her basically telling you what she wants for in a ring. The trick amid all these is to avoid arousing her suspicion that you are mentally taking notes and actively looking for that perfect ring for her.

Establish Your Budget

Buying the ring for your beloved and then seeing that you’ve made the right decision is priceless. However, put your foot down, and set a realistic budget.

It’s a natural desire for any man to give his girlfriend the biggest or brightest natural diamond there is. Overspending, though, can result in incurring debts, which isn’t the best way to start a marriage.

Diamond engagement rings are naturally expensive as they are, but with diligence and research, you can find one that you can afford and make your girlfriend happy at the same time. Any savings from the ring purchase can also go to the honeymoon or toward a down payment on a home.

Ask the People Close to Her

Her mom or girlfriends will probably know more than you do, especially in the jewellery department. You may learn of an heirloom piece that can be reset, updated, or incorporated into the new ring.

Although talking with people close to her runs the risk of being found out, the reward is getting leads that are useful to your endeavour. You just have to cross your fingers and hope that the whole thing remains a secret. You also have to be careful not to let your girlfriend know about your exchanges of information or meetings about the engagement ring.

Get Her Size Right

This step needs a careful and thorough approach because one slight slipup gives away the surprise. Even if you managed to keep everything under wraps all the way through the big proposal day, getting the wrong ring size is a huge glitch and a cause of awkwardness too.

It’s a discreet operation to ensure you can slide the ring perfectly on her finger, and you can do that through the steps below:

  • Take one of her rings secretly, and have it measured at the jeweller. Make sure that she wears this on her ring finger and that you return the item as soon as possible.
  • Seek help from her friend to sneakily ask for your girlfriend’s ring size.

Surprise Her

There’s nothing more beautiful and more precious than to propose to your lady in front of the people who have been part of your journey as a couple—all without her knowing a single thing about your grand plan. Those hours scouring for engagement rings, close calls that would have ended the surprise, and talks with friends to plan the event are well worth the time and effort when you see her smile and laugh and cry.

Indeed, the engagement ring is the centrepiece of the proposal, which you can do anywhere, whether you’re at Disneyland, at the Eiffel Tower, or at the park when you are out jogging. The ring and the circumstances behind it form part of the best memories that you and her will share as future husband and wife.

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Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.

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