A few weeks ago, we were invited to the launch of Pomi-T, a natural polyphenol rich whole food supplement that was specifically designed and developed by a panel of doctors, scientists, and nutritionists; led by Professor Robert Thomas, an oncologist from Cambridge University to conduct a national randomised control trial for a variety of research purposes.

Diets rich in polyphenols, the natural plant-based phytochemicals found in healthy foods, have been linked with lower risks of chronic illnesses such as dementia, high cholesterol, arthritis, heart disease, and skin aging. Population studies have also linked their regular intake with lower risks of many cancers including breasts, pancreatic, esophageal, ovarian, prostate, and skin.

Based on a research that is conducted by a reknowned oncologist, it was found that having a diet rich in polyphenol can decrease the risk of a cancer relapse.

Pomi-T, a natural supplement, is scientifically-proven to boost the body’s defence against cancer. It is made from whole foods, dried down, and packaged into a capsule. Compared to supplements containing isolated compounds, a whole food supplement allows each ingredient to work together in synergy for optimal health benefits.

Pomi-T harnesses the natural antioxidant and anti-cancer properties from four distinct food categories; fruit, vegetable, spice, and leaf. It contains only pure active ingredients such as purified green tea, pomegranate seed extract, broccoli extract, and turmeric. There is no preservatives, colours, flavours, chelating or bulking agents in Pomi-T.

Pomi-T is formulated by Professor Robert Thomas, a leading British oncologist, based on scientific studies into the properties of these 4 ingredients; Pomegranate, Broccoli, Curcumin, and Green Tea.

Pomegranate has natural antioxidant properties that inhibit the uncontrolled growth of cells by suppressing the enzymes in the intestine and liver that convert pro-carcinogens into cancer-causing agents, and causes cells to self-terminate. It also helps to reduce the migration of abnormal cells and aids the regeneration of healthy ones instead.

Broccoli slows the growth of malignant cells. Regular broccoli intake regulates genes linked to abnormal cell growth and promotes genes associated with the suppression of abnormal cells.

Curcumin, which gives turmeric its yellow colour, has anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit the growth of abnormal stem cells, consequentially reducing the growth of abnormal cells and prevents the spread of damaged cells without harming healthy cells.

Extensive research into green tea has shown that it helps the self-termination process of unhealthy cells. It inhibits the spread of damaged cells, retains good cells, and suppresses the formation of blood vessels that supply abnormal cells with nourishment.

Our Personal Review/Opinion of Pomi-T

Pomi-T stands out as one of the few supplements supported by medical research. Its combination of natural ingredients has been carefully researched in a study backed by United Kingdom’s National Cancer Research Network and it is absolutely safe for consumption. We have been taking Pomi-T for over 2 weeks now and so far, we have not experienced any side effects because the active ingredients used are all natural and made from whole foods. Personally, we feel that Pomi-T is a very affordable and value-for-money health supplement because of its proven effectiveness in combating the onset of cancer!

Pomi-T is now available at all leading pharmacies and it currently retails at SGD$49.90 for 60 capsules. Pomi-T can be consumed by anyone over the age of 16.


Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.

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