The LEGO Movie is a 2014 American computer-animated family comedy film directed and co-written by Phil Lord and Chris Miller. The film is distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, and it stars the voices of Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Nick Offerman, Alison Brie, Charlie Day, Liam Neeson, and Morgan Freeman. The film is based on the LEGO line of construction toys and it was released on 6 February 2014 in Singapore.
[Image Credits to The LEGO Movie Facebook Page]

Our Review Of The LEGO Movie:

We are not sure if it is the worldwide phenomenon of the LEGO craze but The LEGO Movie was extremely well-received. Although we caught The LEGO Movie a little later than most people, we really enjoyed watching the movie and we will highly recommend it to young children and parents alike.

The movie duration is of the right pace at 100 minutes and it is filled with a couple of funny moments which even till now, we are smiling and laughing it out just thinking about it.

[Image Credits to The LEGO Movie Facebook Page]

The story plot is a common one but it takes a twist towards the end and that really caught us by surprise. Well, whether you are a fan of LEGO Toys or not, we are pretty sure The LEGO Movie is a wholesome and meaningful movie that both children and adults should not miss!

[Image Credits to The LEGO Movie Facebook Page]

The movie is very relatable to everyone because like it or not, a majority of us have grown up with LEGO Bricks and even till today, it is no surprise that even adults like us are fascinated with LEGO Toys and continue to purchase them and challenge ourselves to build magnificent structures, cars, planes, and anything else that we can possibly create with LEGO Bricks.

[Image Credits to The LEGO Movie Facebook Page]

We are definitely excited about the movie sequel to The LEGO Movie that is scheduled to be released on 26 May 2017 [yes, that’s 3 years later and it’s way too long] but if you are now a fan of The LEGO Movie and you want to be kept updated about any upcoming new information, be sure to like The LEGO Movie Singapore Facebook Page!

Movie Synopsis Of The LEGO Movie:

This original 3D computer-animated story follows Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. He is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously under-prepared.

Movie Trailer Of The LEGO Movie:


Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.

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