By the time you are reading this Blog entry, I am on a coach to Awana Genting and I will be back on Saturday evening.
I was so elated when I received the news from Nuffnang that I have been selected to go on a sponsored 2 Days 1 Night trip to Awana Genting Highlands Golf & Country Resort [Awana Genting for short]. And well, this is perhaps one of the greatest opportunities that I ever had to rub shoulders with the Elites in the blogosphere.

I believe everyone has heard of Resorts World Genting [RWG for short] and I guess almost everyone I know would have been to RWG at least once or more than that. But if I were to ask how many of you have been to Awana Genting, my guess is only a handful will kee chiu.

A picture of Awana Genting [Credits to Sylistic.Com]

Now, what would I exactly be doing at Awana Genting during the 2D1N trip?

From the Email that I received from Nuffnang, I reckoned that there will be tons of outdoor activities that I will be participating in and some of the activities include an ECO Sport Treasure Hunt, a Campfire, and also a BBQ dinner! What’s more, some of us will be sleeping in Awana Genting Long House while some of us will be sleeping in tents!

A picture of the Awana Genting Long House [Credits to Pummkin S Pitch []]

Sounds really fun and exciting right? This upcoming trip will definitely remind me of my good ol’ camping days in the National Cadet Corps.

Anyhows, being the curious person that I am, I went to “Google” and see if I could find any information about the trip and I chanced upon a few blogs by Malaysian Bloggers whom participated in the trip that was previously organised. While I’m not entirely sure if my itinerary is the same as theirs; I could tell that they really had a lot of fun during the trip.

Since it’s a 2D1N trip, I intend to travel light and here’s what I packed:

1X Insect Repellent
1X Compact Camera and Spare Batteries
1X Torch Light
1X Portable Charger
2X Set of Clothings
1X Mobile Phone
1X Set of Toiletries
1X Towel

I’m not very sure if there will be a stopover at Yong Peng but if there is, I will probably pop by and purchase a Data SIM Card for me to surf the Internet and keep in touch with everyone via Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. So meanwhile, stay tuned and happy weekends everyone!

God bless!


Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.

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