I was accompanying my mum out to shop today and while driving on the PIE, there were three idiotic drivers whom were driving rather dangerously along the expressway. I shall name the three idiotic drivers as Chevrolet, Honda, and Berlingo Van for an easier account of what happened.

Here’s Our Account Of What Happened:

I was driving in the 2nd lane at a speed of around 70km/hr and there were three cars on the right lane. If you look closely in the video, there was this particular Chevrolet on the 1st lane and the driver was probably driving at 80km/hr. However, the Chevrolet for some reason has a tendency to jam his brakes even though there was nobody tailgating him. So, I suppose the Chevrolet must be texting or fiddling with his phone.

Then, a Honda started to tailgate the Chevrolet and the driver of the Chevrolet jammed his brakes. Behind the Honda was a Berlingo Van and in order to avoid hitting the Honda that was in front of him, he [the driver of the Berlingo Van] jammed his brakes too and swerved slightly into my lane before swerving back to his lane.

When I gave the driver of the Berlingo Van my deadly stare and was on the verge of shouting expletives, the driver of the Berlingo Van said it wasn’t his fault but the Honda’s fault for tailgating the Chevrolet that was in front. “Come on la, if you didn’t tailgated the Honda, then you wouldn’t have to jam your brakes right?” Furthermore, the Berlingo Van can be seen accelerating and he probably wasn’t even concentrating while driving on the road. How dangerous can that be?! Also, the speed limit for a Berlingo Van is 70km/hr and the expressway speed limit is 90km/hr. How can a Berlingo Van be travelling in the 1st lane when it’s not supposed to be speeding?!

Then again, it isn’t the Berlingo Van’s fault entirely. The Cheverolet and the Honda were pretty much in the wrong too. Thank God both my Mum and I are safe and sound.

Seriously, idiotic drivers like these are commonplace in Singapore and accidents on the road occur quite frequently. So, I will strongly recommend you drivers to install a camera if you aren’t equipped with one yet. I used to think that this wasn’t necessary but after encountering more than one incidents like these, having a camera installed in my car has become a necessity.

If you’re not sure where you can get a decent camera for your car, you might want to try the one that I found on Qoo10.sg below:

Stay tuned to more updates from us!

God bless!


Melvin's work as an Entrepreneur and Life Coach is deeply informed by his spiritual practice. He brings a unique perspective to helping others achieve their goals and live with intention. His background also includes an EMBA and a Master of Education in Developmental Psychology.

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