Hello Everyone,
this blog entry is a little late but nevertheless, I will still put it up as it is a topic that is quite close to my heart.

Quite sometime ago, my mentor, Mr. Chin, invited me to attend the Annual Presidents’ Lecture Series 2012 that was held at Bartley Secondary School, and together with a few other pretty close former schoolmates of mine, we attended the 4th Presidents’ Lecture Series that was given by Shiyuan and Nazurah, both of whom were my juniors back then.

I must say, both the presentations given by Shiyuan and Nazurah were indeed inspiring as their words really touched my heart and stirred me up on the inside. I shall not attempt to replicate what was said during the presentations as it would definitely take me ages to even consolidate and elaborate on the key points mentioned in their presentations. However, for those of you whom are curious to find out what was shared during the presentations, the speakers mainly shared about their leadership experiences and their personal life stories. Despite it being a common topic year after year, every presentation is entirely different because every individual have their own story to share and their personal experience would not be the same as that of another person.

My Mentor, Mr. Chin

From PLS 2012

Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life, the Title of Nazurah’s Presentation

From PLS 2012

Student Leaders of Bartley

From PLS 2012

Nazurah Giving Her Presentation

From PLS 2012

Shiyuan Giving His Presentation

From PLS 2012

Token of Appreciation to Both the Speakers [and guess what, the token was a leadership book that was signed by the author, John C Maxwell himself!]

From PLS 2012
From PLS 2012

A Group Photo of the Former Student Council Leaders from the 5th Exco to the 8th Exco!

From PLS 2012

After the presentations, there was a short “Question and Answer” session where Student Leaders could ask any questions related to the topic of leadership and the panelists consisting of former Student Leaders would share their thoughts and opinions on the subject matter. I must say, it was really quite an engaging and fruitful session as most of the questions raised by the Student Leaders were very relevant and very real in today’s context.

I am definitely looking forward to the next Presidents’ Lecture Series that will take place again next year.

On a side note, I want to share with you all what I am currently embarking on, especially in my leadership journey and reflection. Baby bought a book entitled, “Barefoot Leadership- The Art and Heart of Going That Extra Mile” for me and in this book, it contains stories, case studies and reflection tools that are really useful for discussion and practical application. Above all, the book contains 10 principles of Barefoot Leadership that helps one to discover his/her own leadership path. I strongly recommend this book to all current leaders and aspiring leaders-to-be. Although I would really love to share some information from the book which I found to be quite useful, I can’t promise that I will be able to blog frequently due to my hectic schedule, especially over the next 3 months. Nevertheless, do look out for future blog entries on the subject of leadership as I will be categorising them under the category of “Leadership“.

Some background information about the Presidents’ Lecture Series

Inspired by Randy Pausch‘s last lecture, the Presidents’ Lecture Series was first organised by Mr. Chin in 2009 with Teck Guan [President of the 4th Bartley Student Council] and myself as the pioneering speakers. Since then, distinguished student leaders who have graduated from the school for more than 6 years are invited to share their life stories and leadership experiences with the Bartley Student Leadership Family that comprises of Student Leaders from the Student Council, the Class Committee Council, and the CCA Leaders.

A Video of Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

Stay tuned for more updates from us!

God bless!


Melvin is an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, and Chinese Metaphysics Practitioner. He holds an EMBA and he is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for his unique combination of science, research, and spirituality.

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