Hello Everyone,
we sincerely apologise if you haven’t seen any new entries this week as we are in the midst of revamping A Winsome Life and as well as restructuring the whole site. As many of you would have known, A Winsome Life is not just a blog but also a social enterprise that provides marketing services such as printing, events organising, and graphics designing. With effect from today, A Winsome Life would no longer be providing marketing services but would instead reposition itself as a lifestyle and entertainment blog.

Well, what about the marketing services that we used to provide? We regret to inform you that we have moved on to bigger projects that are currently in the pipelines and we hope that you would continue to give your unwavering support to us. We are really indeed thankful for the many opportunities that were offered to us in the last few years and it has been an honour serving everyone of our clients.

What are the projects currently in the pipelines?
With A Winsome Life solely a lifestyle and entertainment blog, we would be establishing and owning two other business entities over the next 2-4 years; one of which is an Online Store and the other a Cafe located somewhere in Singapore. As the details of the business entities are confidential, we apologise that we cannot release any details yet but we might drop some hints in our blog posts on A Winsome Life.

Performance of A Winsome Life

A Winsome Life was started less than a year ago and was initially hosted on WordPress’s site. In December 2011, we decided to host A Winsome Life on our own domain and since then, we have not regretted making the move as we have seen a spike in the number of visitors coming to our blog. In Dec 2011, we saw 1367 visitors, and in Jan 2012, Feb 2012, and March 2012, we saw 2062, 3575, and 3073 visitors respectively [as of 28th March 2012 @ 2300 hours]. In total, we have welcomed a total of 10,077 visitors over a span of 4 months. This could only be made possible because of the constant support that we have received from family members, friends, and even friends of friends. We really want to thank you for this and we hope that you would continue to give us your feedback so that we can remain relevant in the blogosphere.

In addition, we would like to take this opportunity to thank OMY.SG and Nuffnang for inviting us time and time again to numerous events, movies, and restaurants. Also, we want to thank the various organisations whom graciously hosted us and for giving us the privilege to give constructive feedback on their service efficiency and product quality. We also want to make special mention that this whole site would not have been possible if not for the service and help rendered by Vodien.

Below is a screenshot of A Winsome Life’s stats.

Last but not the least, we want to thank God for giving us the honour to serve Him in the marketplace.

Stay tuned for more updates from us!

God Bless!


Melvin's work as an Entrepreneur and Life Coach is deeply informed by his spiritual practice. He brings a unique perspective to helping others achieve their goals and live with intention. His background also includes an EMBA and a Master of Education in Developmental Psychology.

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