
ncc singapore


I know I haven’t been writing frequently about the latest Singapore lifestyle news for the last two weeks but I promise that after this posting, I will be sharing some new and fresh updates about the topic.
The photos that you see in this post are some highlights of our Graduation Parade.

59th TOC Graduation Parade

What seemed like an eternity right from the beginning came to an evening that was not only memorable but ended surprisingly fast. The two weeks that I spent at HQ NCC was a fruitful and enjoyable one, and it was really heartening for me to see the passion and commitment from the teachers whom were on course.

NCC Colours Party On Parade

Caught MAJ Foo, my former East District Commander when I was a Cadet Officer and managed to have a brief chat with him.

The Drumline from Swiss Winds were really outstanding! They performed with much gusto during our Graduation Parade and I really take my hats off to them!

MAJ Anthony, the man whom made Swiss Winds possible!

Through the many lectures and the hands on practical training that included activities such as paintball, rappelling, and even the 100-metre live range; we were exposed to a myriad of activities that both the Cadets and Cadet Officers have to undergo during their training with the NCC. This gave us a first-hand experience of the possible challenges and difficulties that our Cadets and Cadet Officers may encounter so that we as Teacher Officers can step in to guide and encourage where possible.

Having been with the NCC since 2001, I have personally seen how the organisation has transformed under the different leaders and it is no surprise why the NCC continues to be one of the premier uniformed groups in Singapore.

For a little bit of my history with the NCC, do feel free to check out the following link:


Having completed the short 2-weeks NCC TOC, I am now appointed as a Teacher Officer and so, the next chapter of my journey with the NCC begins. However, the course wouldn’t have been so fun and enjoyable if not for the new friends that I’ve made over the last 2 weeks. The course would also not have been possible and smoothly executed if not for the strong support that we received from the staffs at HQ NCC.

A photo with 1WO Christopher Bryan, my mentor for close to a decade now and he’s still on fire, impacting and transforming the youths of NCC into leaders of tomorrow!

A photo with 3WO Shaffiee, a really humble Guards Warrant Officer whom taught us a lot of useful skills!

Benin was from the same intake as I was when we were serving as Cadet Officers in East District. He was the Parade Commander for our Graduation Parade.

A photo with Brandon, my junior who’s now serving HQ NCC as a Cadet Officer.

And of course, a photo with Jacqueline, my Baby whom made all things possible and helped take so much nice photos!

To my syndicate mates, I know I have said this many times but truly, I enjoyed your company during the course and I have learnt quite a lot about leadership from all of you. I wouldn’t have achieved the Syndicate Achiever Award if not for all of your encouragement and endorsement. You all have inspired me, one way or another; and truly, my wish is that all of you will go back to your school units and make a difference in the lives of your Cadets and Cadet Officers. Yes, challenges will come, circumstances may change, but winners never quit! With this, I really hope that there will be opportunities to see all of you soon for upcoming NCC events and may you all continue To Serve With Pride And Dedication!

Photo with the VIPs and Guest of Honour, Mr Neo Kian Hong.

Syndicate 1 performing a song item for the audience.

Here’s the full video of our performance that’s available on Youtube as well.

To Serve With Pride & Dedication!