
indoor basket plants


Basket plants are popular, and they are well-known indoor plants that require little maintenance. You don’t need to set up a special place for them because they can grow with little care. This is a plant that’s common in Argentina and Brazil, and its name means graceful flower.

In spring, you will see blue and adorable flowers which grow to a diameter of two inches. They tend to wither at the start of the summer season before turning into seed pods. The Callisia Fragrans is often a favourite and prized plant for individuals who are growing it because the seeds are produced in huge quantities. They require bright and high temperatures with indirect sunlight to achieve more growth and produce a lot of florals.

They are hardy, and they are fine with light frost. However, they tend not to tolerate an irregular water schedule, and when they begin to drop their leaves, you know it is time to water them. They grow well with various light conditions as long as they are not placed under direct sunlight.

The height can reach one foot, and people who are propagating the plant find it a pleasant surprise when they form in the least expected way. Their leaves can be about six to eight inches, and they tend to be darker and glossier compared to the flowers. The edges are serrated, while the leaves tend to be round and large.

More Information about the Flowers

Their foliage may include vibrant greens, golds, and reds, and they can look exotic. Homeowners find them an excellent addition as they also adapt well to the climate outdoors. When they are put in the right conditions, these basket plants and flowers can withstand the outdoors because they are hardy.

The flowers look like they are forming inside a cage, and this is why they are great for homes that don’t have enough space. With well-lit and bright areas, they are incredibly gorgeous, with their striking gold and green leaves as well as their thicker stems showing off into the light.

The colour is profoundly contrasting with deep greens, white stripes, yellow, and bright reds that will surely cheer up your day and add a more serene ambience to your room. The leaves are very thick and glossy, and they emit a pleasant but strong aroma. Know that extreme cold can make them wither, so they are best suited to an indoor climate. 

Although they are usually found in the forests of Brazil, there are many growing in various parts of the world. They are also found in central Africa, and Australia classified them as weeds. Read more about this plant on this page here

How to Care for Your Plant?

Callisia is a stunning plant that adds charm to your outdoor or indoor space. Because it can thrive in tropical areas, it’s best if you don’t expose it to temperatures that are below 36 degrees Fahrenheit. When you’re keeping them inside your home, they should be able to receive an indirect amount of sunlight and do ensure that you’re keeping them away from drafts. 

Regular misting and ensuring that the soil is moist will help. However, avoid exposing the baskets to standing water. One of the best tips when it comes to caring for your basket plant is to try and expose them to extreme temperatures in a very slow manner. Others include trimming off any damages they may have in their leaves. 

Growing Them

Callisia means beautiful lily in Latin. Although you may see that the flowers’ appearance is similar to that of a bromeliad or a lily and they grow like spider plants, the species actually belong to the family of inch plants. They are low-maintenance and easy to grow.

Similar to that of a spider plant, know that the Callisia basket flowers are sending out tiny plantlets that you can snip off. Use these plantlets to propagate new ones, and you’ll have foliage filled with fragrant and small white flowers. 

Part of their care includes hanging them into medium light. The watering schedules should be every two to three days as you see fit. During the seasons of fall, summer, or spring; the basket may need a fertilizer applied monthly. Stop the fertilizer during winter and water them in a less systematic way.

Growing for Health

Know that these beautiful indoor flowers can help purify the pollutants inside your indoor space. Some parts are used as herbs to treat various ailments, and they are edible. Mature leaves may be snipped right off, and you can chew them to relieve digestive problems or stomach issues. Callisia is considered to be a natural anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-biotic.

Countries like Russia use the leaves by mixing them with vodka. They act as a tonic for heart problems, colds, varicose veins, arthritis, upset stomachs, and inflammation. Although scientific studies are needed to determine more of their effects, there are still lots of anecdotal records about their benefits and advantages. When you infuse Callisia with oil, it can become a joint rub that can ease the pain in your muscles. 

Diseases and Possible Issues

The plants don’t experience lots of diseases all year round. However, when you overwater them, they will be in a condition known as root rot. Get info about root rot on this site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_rot. You should avoid leaving them in standing water like saucers and let them all drain. 

Overwatering may also cause the leaves to become brown. You’ll see the brownish colour at the tips of the leaves, and they may become unappealing. While you can always trim them, it’s best to avoid them in the first place.

There are also pests like mealybugs, but they can be rare. If you see them showing up, just dip a cotton swab in alcohol. Apply this to the pest so it will immediately come off the plant. Use neem oil or insecticidal soap to prevent them from reinfesting the flowers.