
how to find spirit animal


It’s 2020, so you’ve probably heard of the expression “spirit animal” up until now. What you may not know is that this is no mere Internet meme — we’re talking about an ancient tradition that goes back to the time of the Native Americans.

For these indigenous cultures, spirit animals represented a unique embodiment of people’s spirits — something of an astral guide. These guides are prone to show themselves in many ways in order to catch our attention. However, they were said to appear most often in the form of an animal that’s familiar to us or carries some other unique trait that makes them close to us.

Most people have a single spirit animal, though there are those that feel like they are communicating with more than one spirit guide. These give you more confidence, faith in yourself and your choice, and more ease during your life in general.

If you’re wondering what your spirit animal is, don’t worry — we’ve got plenty of tips here that will aid you in finding out!

Listen To Your Dreams

There is an immensely crucial connection between your waking life and the spirit world discovered when we dream. That’s why your spirit animal will come to you most often when you’re asleep. With that in mind, try to remember or write down each time you spot a particular animal in your dreams — especially if this animal tells you something and keeps appearing regularly.

Consider Your Past

In many cases, our spirit animals are creatures that have something to do with our past lives. Perhaps you had a favorite animal when you were a kid – or a pet that you simply adored? Heck, it could be an animal from the wilderness or from a favorite cartoon. Still, it’s usually something that’s connected to your past — a creature that represents a specific period in your life.


Finding your spirit animal takes more than merely thinking about animals from the past. You need to look deep into yourself — explore depths that you have not been privy to before. Take some time to meditate, and let your intuition take you where it wills.

At some point, you will simply feel a connection to a particularly significant animal. At that point, strip away all other layers of your consciousness, and ask yourself a single question — is this truly the animal that is my guardian spirit? And if so, think about what kind of message and lesson this animal wants to present to you. Spend some time ruminating on the meaning behind these things.


Of course, many people do all of the stuff that we’ve mentioned above, to no avail. If your dreams, meditations, and thoughts haven’t provided you with a clear-cut answer, there’s something else that you can do — take an online quiz. And no, we’re not joking; there are plenty of quizzes that are designed to give you a more structured perspective on the traits behind your spirit animal. For many, this is just the introspective push they need to figure out what their spirit animal is.

Heed Your Spirit Guide

Once you do find your spirit animal, it’s quite essential to heed its advice. Spirit animals are the flip side of our spiritual being; they are there to teach us things about our mind and soul that we couldn’t figure out on our own.

In many cases, spirit animals emanate those strengths and positive traits that we should try to promote throughout our lives. They can help you stay on the right path and aid you in charting the correct course. That’s one of the reasons why many people actually experience their spirit animal transforming and changing after some time.

Different Spirit Animals

Now that we’ve given you some advice on searching for your inner spirit animal, we’ll provide a cursory glance at the meaning behind most common spirit animals.

If you’ve got a spirit guide in the form of a bear, this is definitely a powerful spirit animal. Most often, it represents someone with an extremely emotional character — as well as a secure connection with the outdoors – and nature in general.

Many people also find that their spirit animal is a cat. This happens most often to people with a strong independent streak, someone looking for adventure and a person who’s forever curious. Additionally, these are usually patient individuals.

A dove is another commonly sighted spirit guide — it signals pacifism, turning a new leaf, and a general love for peace. It’s a spirit animal that’s optimistic and hopeful for the future — which is what it tries to inspire in you as well. And that wraps it up! Make sure you are staying safe and have a good one, folks!