
eye test singapore


I really do appreciate my eyesight. I really do. Apart from the fact that I tend to experience dryness in my eyes from time to time, my eyesight hasn’t really bugged me. In fact, I have an almost perfect vision that sometimes surprises me because of my bad reading posture.

Recently, I was invited to a comprehensive eye examination at Videre Eyecare and I took up the offer just so that I could find out how my vision has degraded since my last visual acuity test in 2010 (almost a decade!).

The Comprehensive Eye Examination

1. Wave Analyser Medic
Measures Pupil Size, Day & Night Vision, Corneal Topography, Cornea Thickness, Eye Pressure, Anterior Chamber Angle, Opacity.

2. Retina 550 (Fundus Photography)
Examines the health of the back part of the eye.

3. Refraction with Vision R800
The first in Southeast Asia, it uses a fluid lens instead of traditional lenses. Accuracy goes up to 0.01DS, unlike the traditional way that only goes up to 0.25DS. It also consists of a smart test that uses an algorithm to boost efficiency and consistency of the refraction. 

4. Slit-Lamp Biomicroscopy
Examines the health of the front part of the eye; cornea, lens, conjunctiva, meibomian glands opening.

5. Tear Analysis
a. Cornea 550: Measures the height of tear meniscus.
b. LipiView: Examines the health of meibomian glands and lipid layer of the tears.

A comprehensive eye examination at Videre costs $168 and it takes about an hour for you to go through all of the tests at one sitting.

The best part?

The results are instantaneous and there’s no need to wait for weeks unlike in the past. Furthermore, the machines that are being used for the comprehensive eye examination are very new and cutting-edge.

If you’re wondering how frequent or how often one should go for a comprehensive eye examination, there is no one fixed rule or standard. If you have medical conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, it is recommended that you do an annual eye check-up. Likewise, if your family has a history of glaucoma; it is recommended that an annual eye check-up be done as well.

For children and teenagers, a comprehensive eye examination should be done yearly or twice a year because their eyesight can change rapidly during their growing-up years. As a matter of fact, I used to put on glasses for astigmatism when I was 7 years old and subsequently, I didn’t need my glasses anymore because my condition has improved by leaps and bounds.

If you’re a working adult and you’re in your 20s to 50s, you probably don’t need to do the comprehensive eye examination yearly. In fact, I think once every two to three years should be adequate if you don’t experience any drastic changes in your eyesight and lifestyle. However, as soon as you feel that your eyesight is off the mark, quickly arrange for a comprehensive eye examination to avoid any complications that may develop over time.

What I Like About The Comprehensive Eye Examination

The Comprehensive Eye Examination that I did at Videre Eyecare was hassle free and the test results are almost immediate. Furthermore, the experience was highly personalised and the new machines that are used for the tests are highly accurate.

What I Didn’t Like About The Comprehensive Eye Examination

I didn’t quite enjoy the eye pressure test as I am ultra sensitive to having foreign objects (which in this case is a bout of harmless air) spurted into my eyes.

Other than that, there is practically nothing else that I didn’t like about the Comprehensive eye examination; although I have to admit that the price of $168 for a comprehensive eye examination might be out of reach for some people. However, having said that, there are comprehensive eye examination services that are available for $80 but the machines used may not be up-to-date. Then again, whichever options you choose, just remember that your eyesight is precious and you should really take good care of your eyes.

Book for your comprehensive eye examination with Videre Eyecare today!