
brain stimulation


We live in a society where everybody is trying to get ahead. It appears the early bird catches the worm and the smartest people will always get the better things in life. And it seems that when we are placed in a world where there is this pressure to keep afloat or be gone forever, this can either force us to change our ways or decide to plead ignorance. But we might feel that we try our best but it’s not good enough, that we are limited by our own intelligence or abilities. But while many people think that we are just born with intelligence, that we just have it or we don’t, this is not the case. The key is about treating your brain like a muscle through certain lifestyle habits that help your brain. Intelligence comes in two forms. Crystallized intelligence which comprises your skills knowledge and vocabulary. But there is also fluid intelligence, which is your ability to think abstractly or reason. And there are many ways to increase both.


It may seem obvious but reading stimulates every part of your brain. Because it requires you to pay attention to exercise comprehension visual processing, as well as your working memory reading, is one of the best ways to boost the neural connections between every part of your brain. Reading is something that we need to get into the habit of doing. It’s not just about picking books that are beyond your comprehension. After all, our intelligence increases with age. The very act of reading is something that we need to get into because it will improve our concentration and comprehension while increasing our neural pathways. This means that getting into the habit of reading is a must. If you do not read regularly, think about the best time for you to do it. Many people read before bedtime. But also, think about the right tools that can help you to focus such as glasses which you can purchase here. It’s important to remember that if you aren’t a regular reader and you feel that you’ve got lots to catch up on, you shouldn’t try to read a book in a week. Take it one page at a time and engage with the material. Many people boast that they have read so many books in their life, but reading books passively is completely different from engaging with the subject matter. Reading is not the sign of intelligence, but it is the sign of someone wanting to improve.


It isn’t just about sitting there listening to nothing. Meditating is something that requires a significant amount of concentration. If you’ve ever sat in silence and tried to think of nothing, this is a lot more difficult than it sounds. Meditation is a fantastic way to improve your working memory. While there has been much research on meditation and the results have shown better brain function, speculation on the results may very well be down to the emotional benefits of meditation. But it stands to reason, the more relaxed you are, the more receptive you will be. If you are someone who struggles to learn anything, this may not be down to your own abilities but it could be more to do with your inhibitions or blockages. We may become a barrier to our own success. And if we struggle to get out of our way so we can reap the benefits of learning, meditation may prove to be the key. Meditating is a hard task to accomplish but there are tools that can help such as meditation machines, as well as guided meditation videos and apps.

Playing an Instrument

It’s never too late to learn. It’s something that can be a very creative way to boost our intelligence. If you don’t like the idea of doing crosswords or sudoku, playing instruments involves numerous skills such as recognizing patterns, auditory perception, as well as physical dexterity and coordination. With all of these working together your sensory and cognitive skills are challenged. And when you start to delve deeper into music and think about transposing keys or improvising music in certain keys, this is the mental exercise your brain needs to develop. The great thing about music is that it’s one of the most fun pastimes. The initial lessons may prove frustrating. But learning an instrument to play along to your favorite songs helps you to develop those mental skills and working memory while also having a good time. Whether it’s playing the guitar or the drums, each instrument comes with its own individual benefits. Playing the drums is something that is very good because it engages both sides of our brains, but it’s also very good as a stress reliever.

Other Considerations

Lifestyle is just as important. There are many other components that you should consider if you want to improve your brain function. One of the simplest is exercise. Light exercise promotes activity in the hippocampus which can help to improve your memory. You should also think about sleeping properly, as this helps you to consolidate memories that you’ve created during the day. But you should also think about diet. A small dose of caffeine can improve your attention which can help you to retain information. But also think about foods that are rich in nutrients. We’re talking about the usual culprits here; omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin K, as well as flavonoids. In short: eat your greens! It’s also important to remember that training your brain in ways beyond the norm can help. There are things that you do every single day that enhance your mental abilities. Being sociable can help. If you have found yourself dwindling recently because of the pandemic, find ways to be more sociable online with friends. Now might be the perfect opportunity to focus on improving your intelligence. But many people believe that they have a certain amount of intelligence that they cannot improve on. In fact, it’s about the tips above while also remembering to stay curious. Intelligence isn’t just measured by knowledge of facts and figures; it’s about stimulating your brain in the right ways.