


Hello Everyone,
today I am going to share about the Night Lights Festival 2011 @ the Singapore Arts Museum and the Voyage Night Festival 2011 @ the National Museum of Singapore. Initially, Baby and I just wanted to visit the Flea Market at the Singapore Arts Museum but we ended up visiting both the Nigh Lights Festival and the Voyage Night Festival instead.

Night Lights Festival 2011 @ Singapore Arts Museum

Happening On: 26 August to 3 September from 7:30pm to 2:00am in the morning

Admission is FREE

Event Information:

Be dazzled by this nine-evening outdoor showcase of spectacular light installations from France. Encounter these intriguing works as you enter the Bras Basah cultural precinct at SAM, School of the Arts (SOTA), Singapore Management University (SMU) and National Museum of Singapore (NMS). Revel into the night with an array of weekend activities including a flea market, film screenings, a chic thumping Parisian club party, a fun new media installation and, of course, exhibitions at the museums.

For more information about the event, you can visit the Singapore Arts Museum website <–< or download the Official Brochure <–< here. I recommend you to visit this event if you’re an avid photographer as there will be tons of opportunities for shooting night photographs.

Voyage Night Festival 2011 @ National Museum of Singapore

Happening On: 26-27 August (which is over already but fret not) & 2-3 September (YOUR LAST CHANCE SO DO NOT MISS THIS!)

Admission is FREE

Event Information:

Voyage Night Festival 2011 is an evocation of the spirit behind journeys of departures,arrivals,landings; of passages, pilgrimages, inter-marriages encountered in sound,movement and images.

Voyage! remembers the spirit of our forefathers from Asia and Europe who have landed in Singapore giving us legacies that have enriched Singapore. The NHB museums, located at the heart of the Bras Basah Bugis Cultural District is home to many ethnic minorities – Eurasians, Jews, Armenians and many more -, welcome all Singapore to embark on a musical voyage under the stars.

For more information about the event, you can download the Voyage Night Festival 2011 Schedule <–< or download the Voyage Night Festival 2011 Programme Guide here <–<. Seriously, even if you’re not quite an artsy sort of person, you should still visit this event with probably your other half as the atmosphere is really romantic; psst: bringing your other half to an event like this makes you look very culturally intelligent! =P

Flea Market at the Singapore Arts Museum



Inside the Singapore Arts Museum









My Most Favourite Exhibition of ALL!

The blue thingy you see are actually the “Tomy” train tracks that kids play with. Some of the photos have been shot from different angle; hence making it seem like what it is supposed to be when its not. You will get what I mean when you visit the exhibition for yourself!






That’s Me Trying to Imitate As A Guard In A Night at the Museum


Voyage Night Festival 2011

The One and Only Picture I Have


Pardon me for the blurry image as it was taken with the Iphone Camera. Lesson learnt: Must start investing in better cameras. Directors of Canon/Nikon , if you happen to be visiting my blog, would you like to sponsor me? =P