


It’s 2020, so you’ve probably heard of the expression “spirit animal” up until now. What you may not know is that this is no mere Internet meme — we’re talking about an ancient tradition that goes back to the time of the Native Americans.

For these indigenous cultures, spirit animals represented a unique embodiment of people’s spirits — something of an astral guide. These guides are prone to show themselves in many ways in order to catch our attention. However, they were said to appear most often in the form of an animal that’s familiar to us or carries some other unique trait that makes them close to us.

Most people have a single spirit animal, though there are those that feel like they are communicating with more than one spirit guide. These give you more confidence, faith in yourself and your choice, and more ease during your life in general.

If you’re wondering what your spirit animal is, don’t worry — we’ve got plenty of tips here that will aid you in finding out!

Listen To Your Dreams

There is an immensely crucial connection between your waking life and the spirit world discovered when we dream. That’s why your spirit animal will come to you most often when you’re asleep. With that in mind, try to remember or write down each time you spot a particular animal in your dreams — especially if this animal tells you something and keeps appearing regularly.

Consider Your Past

In many cases, our spirit animals are creatures that have something to do with our past lives. Perhaps you had a favorite animal when you were a kid – or a pet that you simply adored? Heck, it could be an animal from the wilderness or from a favorite cartoon. Still, it’s usually something that’s connected to your past — a creature that represents a specific period in your life.


Finding your spirit animal takes more than merely thinking about animals from the past. You need to look deep into yourself — explore depths that you have not been privy to before. Take some time to meditate, and let your intuition take you where it wills.

At some point, you will simply feel a connection to a particularly significant animal. At that point, strip away all other layers of your consciousness, and ask yourself a single question — is this truly the animal that is my guardian spirit? And if so, think about what kind of message and lesson this animal wants to present to you. Spend some time ruminating on the meaning behind these things.


Of course, many people do all of the stuff that we’ve mentioned above, to no avail. If your dreams, meditations, and thoughts haven’t provided you with a clear-cut answer, there’s something else that you can do — take an online quiz. And no, we’re not joking; there are plenty of quizzes that are designed to give you a more structured perspective on the traits behind your spirit animal. For many, this is just the introspective push they need to figure out what their spirit animal is.

Heed Your Spirit Guide

Once you do find your spirit animal, it’s quite essential to heed its advice. Spirit animals are the flip side of our spiritual being; they are there to teach us things about our mind and soul that we couldn’t figure out on our own.

In many cases, spirit animals emanate those strengths and positive traits that we should try to promote throughout our lives. They can help you stay on the right path and aid you in charting the correct course. That’s one of the reasons why many people actually experience their spirit animal transforming and changing after some time.

Different Spirit Animals

Now that we’ve given you some advice on searching for your inner spirit animal, we’ll provide a cursory glance at the meaning behind most common spirit animals.

If you’ve got a spirit guide in the form of a bear, this is definitely a powerful spirit animal. Most often, it represents someone with an extremely emotional character — as well as a secure connection with the outdoors – and nature in general.

Many people also find that their spirit animal is a cat. This happens most often to people with a strong independent streak, someone looking for adventure and a person who’s forever curious. Additionally, these are usually patient individuals.

A dove is another commonly sighted spirit guide — it signals pacifism, turning a new leaf, and a general love for peace. It’s a spirit animal that’s optimistic and hopeful for the future — which is what it tries to inspire in you as well. And that wraps it up! Make sure you are staying safe and have a good one, folks!

There is something about gardening that relaxes, comforts, and heals. One moment you’re stressed, and the next, you are in the garden, pruning and planting like you have no worries. 

Researchers have done lots of study on the healing power of gardening, but their results only confirm what many already know; the healing power of gardening relieves the stress in your body and comforts your mind. The researchers call it horticultural therapy or garden therapy. 

Unlike traditional therapy where you sit on a couch and discuss your feelings with a therapist, horticultural therapy doesn’t happen in rooms. It happens right at the heart of nature all around you, and with nature itself as your therapist.

You may wonder how the garden heals. What’s therapeutic about gardening? Well, here is your answer.

How Does Gardening Heal?

Here are ways the garden heals you.

1. Garden Therapy Enhances Your Cognitive Abilities

People who have suffered some setbacks in their cognitive performances would find garden therapy to be helpful. The therapy not only stops their conditions from worsening, but it also helps them get better.

And the exciting thing about gardening is that it involves a lot of activities that patients can easily adapt to heal them in the way they want. For instance, those who need to get stronger can concentrate on heavy gardening works like digging and sanding. 

When they do these for extended periods of time and regularly, their muscles get stronger. Individuals who want to socialize can benefit from group gardening where they get to interact with other gardeners.

The ease of adaptation of gardening makes it one of the best therapeutic ways to make your cognitive abilities get better.

2. Garden Therapy Improves Your Sense of Responsibility

Individuals who have suffered low self-esteem and young people with difficulties in learning would find gardening helpful. When they actively take part in gardening, irrespective of how simple their tasks are, it boosts their confidence level. 

It fills them with a sense of control over their surroundings. This could even be helpful for those who have trouble controlling their feelings and emotions.

3. Gardening Helps To Relieve Emotional Stress

Emotional issues affect the daily lives of the individuals who have them in no small way. Those who struggle with trauma, anger, depression, anxiety, and mental issues would find garden therapy very helpful in managing their emotions and helping them to get better.

Gardening often requires focus and concentration, but not a lot of deep thinking. This makes it a perfect diversion from the rather unhappy thoughts of those who have emotional issues. 

4. Gardening Makes You Happy

Even science backs this up. When you are in a space that has a lot of green, it helps your body cut down its stress level.  The release of cortisol, the hormone that has the unfortunate duty of making you feel stressed, is reduced. 

Consequently, stress takes a dip, and high blood pressure follows suit. Although it isn’t restricted to them, it is of great benefit to seniors and they may gain the most from this healing advantage of gardening.

But the garden isn’t only a world of green. It is a combination of colors and smells which are great at helping you relieve your stress and making you happy. 

5. Gardening Rewards You

It could frustrate you to do things repeatedly without getting the results you require. However, situations like this rarely happen in gardening. Gardening rewards you in a lot of ways. 

It serves as a confidence booster for you; it gives you the feeling of self-control; and gives you a sense of responsibility. Add those to the beautiful colors of blooming flowers or the full growth of herbs; what you have is a bounty of rewards in gardening.

6. Even the View Has Its Healing Effects

According to a study by a behavioral scientist and healing gardens expert, Roger Ulrich, merely staring at the garden has its benefits. Individuals who are just healing from physical illnesses could increase their recovery rate by just gazing at the garden. 

Ulrich conducted this research on some gallbladder surgery patients. Patients who had windows that looked out to full trees healed faster than others who didn’t. These patients also didn’t need to take a lot of pain medications.

And of those patients who didn’t have a window that looked out to nature close to them, patients who were shown images of nature also had similar results to the window patients. They healed faster and needed fewer pain medications.

The Bottomline

Knowing the healing power of the garden is one thing. But tapping into it is another thing entirely. You don’t have to wait for a doctor’s recommendation before you start gardening. Get proactive with your well-being today and start gardening!

We live in a society where everybody is trying to get ahead. It appears the early bird catches the worm and the smartest people will always get the better things in life. And it seems that when we are placed in a world where there is this pressure to keep afloat or be gone forever, this can either force us to change our ways or decide to plead ignorance. But we might feel that we try our best but it’s not good enough, that we are limited by our own intelligence or abilities. But while many people think that we are just born with intelligence, that we just have it or we don’t, this is not the case. The key is about treating your brain like a muscle through certain lifestyle habits that help your brain. Intelligence comes in two forms. Crystallized intelligence which comprises your skills knowledge and vocabulary. But there is also fluid intelligence, which is your ability to think abstractly or reason. And there are many ways to increase both.


It may seem obvious but reading stimulates every part of your brain. Because it requires you to pay attention to exercise comprehension visual processing, as well as your working memory reading, is one of the best ways to boost the neural connections between every part of your brain. Reading is something that we need to get into the habit of doing. It’s not just about picking books that are beyond your comprehension. After all, our intelligence increases with age. The very act of reading is something that we need to get into because it will improve our concentration and comprehension while increasing our neural pathways. This means that getting into the habit of reading is a must. If you do not read regularly, think about the best time for you to do it. Many people read before bedtime. But also, think about the right tools that can help you to focus such as glasses which you can purchase here. It’s important to remember that if you aren’t a regular reader and you feel that you’ve got lots to catch up on, you shouldn’t try to read a book in a week. Take it one page at a time and engage with the material. Many people boast that they have read so many books in their life, but reading books passively is completely different from engaging with the subject matter. Reading is not the sign of intelligence, but it is the sign of someone wanting to improve.


It isn’t just about sitting there listening to nothing. Meditating is something that requires a significant amount of concentration. If you’ve ever sat in silence and tried to think of nothing, this is a lot more difficult than it sounds. Meditation is a fantastic way to improve your working memory. While there has been much research on meditation and the results have shown better brain function, speculation on the results may very well be down to the emotional benefits of meditation. But it stands to reason, the more relaxed you are, the more receptive you will be. If you are someone who struggles to learn anything, this may not be down to your own abilities but it could be more to do with your inhibitions or blockages. We may become a barrier to our own success. And if we struggle to get out of our way so we can reap the benefits of learning, meditation may prove to be the key. Meditating is a hard task to accomplish but there are tools that can help such as meditation machines, as well as guided meditation videos and apps.

Playing an Instrument

It’s never too late to learn. It’s something that can be a very creative way to boost our intelligence. If you don’t like the idea of doing crosswords or sudoku, playing instruments involves numerous skills such as recognizing patterns, auditory perception, as well as physical dexterity and coordination. With all of these working together your sensory and cognitive skills are challenged. And when you start to delve deeper into music and think about transposing keys or improvising music in certain keys, this is the mental exercise your brain needs to develop. The great thing about music is that it’s one of the most fun pastimes. The initial lessons may prove frustrating. But learning an instrument to play along to your favorite songs helps you to develop those mental skills and working memory while also having a good time. Whether it’s playing the guitar or the drums, each instrument comes with its own individual benefits. Playing the drums is something that is very good because it engages both sides of our brains, but it’s also very good as a stress reliever.

Other Considerations

Lifestyle is just as important. There are many other components that you should consider if you want to improve your brain function. One of the simplest is exercise. Light exercise promotes activity in the hippocampus which can help to improve your memory. You should also think about sleeping properly, as this helps you to consolidate memories that you’ve created during the day. But you should also think about diet. A small dose of caffeine can improve your attention which can help you to retain information. But also think about foods that are rich in nutrients. We’re talking about the usual culprits here; omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin K, as well as flavonoids. In short: eat your greens! It’s also important to remember that training your brain in ways beyond the norm can help. There are things that you do every single day that enhance your mental abilities. Being sociable can help. If you have found yourself dwindling recently because of the pandemic, find ways to be more sociable online with friends. Now might be the perfect opportunity to focus on improving your intelligence. But many people believe that they have a certain amount of intelligence that they cannot improve on. In fact, it’s about the tips above while also remembering to stay curious. Intelligence isn’t just measured by knowledge of facts and figures; it’s about stimulating your brain in the right ways. 

Electric toothbrushes have been around for a long time and the market has always been dominated by a few brands such as Oral B and Philips. As technology advances, electric toothbrushes are also becoming more accessible to the wider market as prices are now more affordable than previously. 

Before I dive deeper into my review of the Zenyum Sonic Brush, I must say that I personally owned two types of Oral B electric toothbrushes; one being the Oral B Genius 9000 (the most expensive electric toothbrush that I have) and the other being the Oral B Vitality (the most wallet-friendly electric toothbrush). Hence, I am pretty familiar with the use of electric toothbrushes as I have made the switch many years ago. 


The Zenyum Sonic brush costs SGD$39.90 (promotional price with brush head refill subscription plan) and while it is not the cheapest electric toothbrush in an already saturated market, it is also not the most expensive. 

In terms of the operating costs, the Zenyum Sonic brush head refill costs SGD$5.90 and the Oral B brush head refill costs SGD$7. The average brush head can last about 3 months so if you divide the cost of the brush head refill by 3 months; it will be SGD$2 and SGD$2.30 respectively. 

Even if you are using a manual toothbrush, you should still change your toothbrush every 3-4 months because not doing so can result in poor oral hygiene that will cost you even more money when you visit the dentist to get a dental treatment done (yes, I have spent thousands of dollars on dental treatment and it’s not a pleasant feeling & experience at all).

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Whatever electric toothbrush you use, it is definitely going to be a better experience than using a manual toothbrush.  

The more expensive electric toothbrushes like the Oral B Genius 9000 (SGD$179.90) will have more features such as a pressure sensor, a two-minute timer that is divided into 4 segments of 30 seconds, different cleaning modes- routine brushing, whitening, gum, tongue, and even comes with a mobile app to review if you have brushed your teeth properly. 

For the more wallet-friendly electric toothbrushes like the Oral B Vitality (SGD$29.50), it will typically come with a two-minute timer that is divided into 4 segments of 30 seconds and only one single mode of cleaning. 

As for the Zenyum Sonic, it comes with three modes of cleaning and a two-minute timer that is divided into 4 segments of 30 seconds. While the Zenyum Sonic lacks a pressure sensor, it isn’t necessarily a deal breaker and what I really like about Zenyum Sonic is the ability to charge the electric toothbrush using a portable power bank (it comes with a USB cable). The other thing that I like about the Zenyum Sonic is the hassle-free brush head subscription plan where you can choose to have a new brush head delivered to you either every month, every two months, or every three months. 

If you go for the Zenyum Sonic with the Brush Head Refill subscription plan, I would say that the Zenyum Sonic is a good buy especially with the promo price of SGD$39.90. However, if you go for a single purchase of the Zenyum Sonic without any refill plan, it will cost SGD$64.80 and that may be a deal breaker for some people. 

Some Helpful Tips When Using Electric Toothbrush For The First Time 

#1: You just have to hold the brush and guide it to the teeth that you want it to clean. 

#2: You don’t have to scrub your teeth with the brush, just let it glide along the teeth. 

#3: You don’t have to press the brush too hard on your teeth.

#4: Don’t brush your teeth for longer than 2 minutes (yes, even if you use a manual toothbrush).


I am pretty sure a manual toothbrush can do a good job of cleaning your teeth if you’re using it properly but if an electric toothbrush can do an even better job, you should really invest in one.

If it is your first time getting an electric toothbrush and you don’t want to spend too much money, I will recommend that you go for the Zenyum Sonic with Brush Head Refill Subscription instead of the single purchase option. You might feel slightly off when using an electric toothbrush for the first time but I am pretty sure you will get accustomed to using it over time.

Does your job require you to wear protective footwear? As much as you consider work shoes to be unappealing and uncomfortable, such footwear provides protection against foot injuries, twisted ankles, and harsh weather conditions. 

Owing to their extraordinary insulation, waterproof work shoes provide the greatest versatility, comfort, and durability to workers. Most of the protective footwear is also designed to be slip-proof so as to prevent unnecessary accidents on all kinds of terrain. 

Nowadays, there is an extensive variety of mens waterproof work boots for sale, and they are available in various sizes, materials, and designs. 

The following tips will help you choose the best waterproof work boots in the market. 

Consider Toe Protection

One of the initial factors to consider when purchasing a pair of waterproof work boots is toe protection as construction sites, docks, and factories tend to be rather hazardous. There’s always a great likelihood of heavy equipment landing on your feet, thus requiring superb toe protection. 

Therefore, it’s paramount to choose a model with protective toe caps, made of steel, aluminium, or composite material. For instance, steel toe caps are the most conventional form of toe protection despite their heaviness and low thermal conductivity. 

Image Credits: Ever Boots

Conversely, aluminium toe caps are much lighter than the ones made of steel, hence being more comfortable for construction workers to wear. Also, these are more likely to keep the feet warm since they can retain heat. 

Composite toe caps represent a combination of Kevlar, plastic, and carbon filter where each of these materials is unique in its physical and chemical properties. These toe caps are incredibly light and is one of the most convenient alternatives. Read more about the structure, thermal properties, and applications of Kevlar.

Consider Traction

Another important factor to take into consideration when purchasing waterproof work shoes is traction, especially if you need a slip-resistant model. For greater safety, make sure you choose work boots whose outsoles are made of slip-proof material, such as Thermo Polyurethane (TPU) or rubber. 

Additionally, the former is suitable for rough terrains due to its incredible resistance to chemicals and abrasion. The latter is believed to be more versatile, owing to its ability to adapt to dry, wet, and rough surfaces. Boots with rubber outsoles are undoubtedly the best alternative for slippery surfaces as these provide the required traction to prevent accidents from taking place. 

Think About Comfort

Comfort is of essential importance when purchasing waterproof work boots as workers spend most of the day wearing them at construction sites, warehouses, docks, and other hazardous environments. In order to prevent fatigue, you’re expected to choose a model that provides appropriate arch support. This will ensure that your weight will be equally dispersed across the foot, hence providing greater stability. 

Image Credits: Ever Boots

In terms of material, you’re advised to look for leather models, as this fabric provides wearers with amazing flexibility and comfort. Although leather work boots are among the costliest in the market, these are definitely worth the investment due to their durability. The following link,, provides some useful tips about cleaning leather footwear. 

Consider Waterproofing

Waterproofing is an indispensable factor to consider when purchasing work shoes, especially for people who work outdoors. It’s paramount for the boots to be equipped with proper insulation so as to protect your feet against harsh weather conditions. 

Furthermore, the waterproof work shoes you choose are supposed to be made of a breathable material that keeps the feet completely dry. Working in wet environments on a daily basis requires investing in boots with high-quality waterproofing, such as the ones made of neoprene rubber.

Determine Your Budget

Prior to shopping for waterproof work shoes, make sure you set a budget that you’re willing to spend on a pair of footwear. Bear in mind that the price range of such boots is quite wide and it depends mainly on the material, fabrication, and comfort of the model. Additionally, waterproof and slip-proof boots are considered to be costlier than the ones that lack traction and waterproofing. The more money you invest in high-quality footwear the greater the durability. 

Bottom Line

Make sure the boots you purchase are waterproof, slip-proof, highly durable, and comfortable because your feet deserve the best! 

Wearing the right outfit has always been important to us and anyone who says otherwise is only lying to themselves. I’m not saying that we should all be obsessed with always looking our best but I’m simply saying that our clothes often reflect our personalities, and we want to wear whatever feels and looks right in our opinion. When it comes to swimwear, we might even get more worried about appearance, because a big part of our skin is exposed.

In order to find the perfect swimwear for this summer, you’ll have to look at a few different collections, such as the one at

Here are some tips on finding the perfect swimwear. 

Ask Your Friends And Family For Opinions

Everybody uses swimwear and it would make sense to ask at least a few people you know if they are satisfied with the brand they are using and the shops that they got their swimwear from. You just might get enough useful information from them and be ready to go shopping after one simple conversation.

Be careful, though. Different people have got different tastes and different senses of fashion, which is nicely explained on this website. This means that everybody will have different priorities when it comes to buying luxury swimwear. Some will pay close attention to materials, while others will simply go by the colour they like. You should use people’s recommendations as a guiding point and not as a confirmation that it’s a done deal.

Photo by alleksana on

Research Online

After you get a couple of useful recommendations, you should resort to doing some further research on your own. Thanks to the Internet, you can now find anything you want from the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is type in the relevant keywords in your browser and you’ll be presented with a lot of rather useful results.

Make sure to check out the websites of the different suppliers that pop up in your search results. Don’t get carried away with the attractive advertising and try to be as objective as possible when assessing the quality of their swimwear, and as well as the overall quality of their service. It’s your responsibility to penetrate through the marketing and take a look at the real deal.

Read Reviews

Shopping for swimsuits can be rather stressful and you need to find a way to make it less stressful. Reading online reviews can make things much easier, because you’ll get to see what other people think. Their opinion will help you determine which suppliers to avoid and which to take into consideration.

Look out for any reviews and testimonials that previous customers have left. That will help you determine whether people were satisfied with the products and with the supplier.

Compare Prices

Last but not the least, you need to compare prices. Luxury swimwear definitely comes at a price, but that doesn’t mean that you should spend a fortune on it. Try to find a good balance between quality and price.

We hope this article has been helpful and do feel free to comment about your favourite swimwear below!

Google searches for electric bikes have skyrocketed over the past years. It seems that an ever-increasing number of people are interested in making the switch to an electric bike. As the name clearly suggests, an electric bike is a bicycle with an integrated electric motor. The power comes via pedalling. Electric bikes aren’t a new fad. Actually, they have been around for quite some time. The first bicycle to be propelled by an electric motor was invented back in 1897. The model was reinvented and imitated by mostly all manufacturers.

The best thing you can do is ditch your car and get an electric bike. A vehicle is expensive despite the many tax incentives. If you’re a true believer in the decarbonised future, invest in alternative means of transportation. You’ve got nothing to lose. Go from gas-powered to electric and make the world a better place. If you’re still on the fence about getting an electric bike, maybe this will convince you. Here are some excellent reasons to try this incredible transportation technology. 

Maintenance is Easy and Cheap

You’d be tempted to think that maintaining an electric bike is complicated. Far from it, actually. If you don’t have any kind of experience with this kind of transportation mode, know that it’s like having a regular bicycle. You don’t have to do a thing. Electric bikes are designed to be maintenance-free, and they can run for years without servicing. Check the brakes every now and then, clean, lube, and inspect the chain, and make sure the tires are properly inflated. Does that sound complicated? 

If you’re not going to use your electric bike for some time (like in the winter), don’t leave it outside the home. Make sure it’s protected from snow and harsh elements. Next, look after the battery. Don’t charge it too much or discharge it too much as it could lead to a malfunction. It’s essential to keep the electric bike far, far away from moisture. Although the components of the device are water-resistant, you shouldn’t take any chances. 

Lessening Your Impact On The Environment

It’s no secret that cars pollute the environment. They release dangerous CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, which contributes to the greenhouse gas effect. What greenhouse gases do is trap heat in the atmosphere, so it’s no wonder that global temperatures keep on rising. Your car doesn’t even have to be moving to produce a nasty effect on the environment. If you’d like to lessen your impact on the environment, make the transition to an electric bike. 

According to the experts at Scooteretti, an electric bike enables you to reduce your impact on the environment. It’s a zero-emission vehicle, so you have peace of mind knowing that you’re not contributing to global warming. You can go to meet your friends at the local café or head over to the gym and work out. There’s no exhaust, no noise, and, most importantly, no type of pollution. It’s just you and the bike. You don’t have to worry that you’re ruining the environment. The battery is long-lasting, so you won’t have to replace it anytime soon. 

Getting Plenty of Exercise 

The main issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle include heart disease and obesity. At present, we’re living in a car-driven society where walking is deemed to be out of the ordinary. Even when they need to go to the store that’s just round the corner, people hop in their cars. Ownership of cars should start going in reverse. If you want to save time on your commute and get a little bit of exercise, an electric bike is the best solution.  

As far as electric bikes are concerned, pedalling don’t require much effort, but it can help you burn more calories than driving  a car. You’ll notice the difference after some time. If you want to get fit, some intense training will do you good. However, make sure not to overdo it. Figure out how much exercise you need, or want, and keep in mind that the purpose of the motor is to take the strain away and get you from point A to point B really fast. This doesn’t mean that you don’t put in any kind of effort, though. 

Chance to Meet New People 

When do you ever get the chance to go out and meet new people? If you’re like everyone else, you probably live on the go and have a pretty hectic schedule. In short, you barely have time even for yourself. Get on your electric bike and go for a ride. It’s impossible not to come across a dedicated cyclist. Even if the streets aren’t full of bike enthusiasts, it’s expected that all this will change because people are tired of literally doing nothing all day long. Those who have time to spare would instead go for a ride than stare at the TV.

If you’re not so good at making friends, some advice will come in handy. Start with a small conversation and riding is the perfect topic to break the ice. You’ll learn new things and get better at socialising over time. The most important thing is to be yourself. Bike riders are generally very friendly, open, and fun. In other words, they’ll accept you for who you are, so you needn’t worry. Cycling together builds friendships, skill, and let’s not forget strength. 

All in all, an electric bike is a worthwhile investment and it should completely replace your car. There’s no better time than now to start shopping. The market offers all kinds of options, you just have to pick one that suits your needs. If you can’t find one at the local store, don’t worry because that’s what the Internet is for. Go online and order your electric bike today.

Nurses are among some of the essential people in our society today. This is because of the great work that they do in our hospitals, and the job involves a lot of sacrifices that nurses have to endure so that they can deliver excellent service. For this reason, some measures have been taken to help nurses feel a bit more comfortable on the job and these include designing their own special shoes that they can put on while working. 

Imagine that you have to work for long hours with narrow shoes. By the time you are done with your shift, I’m quite sure you won’t be liking the feeling that your feet are experiencing. 

There have also been cases where nurses reported having back pains, shin splints and numbness because they were working with shoes that don’t fit them quite well. This is why it’s vital to get the right shoes as a nurse and below are a few tips that can help you out. 

See for more details.

Weight and Comfortability 

Weight and comfort are often key factors to look at, especially if you are going to spend a whole day in the shoes. You need to put on shoes that will offer you a great back and ankle support so that you can avoid pain in your foot and back. 

If not addressed early, the said problems can develop to cause more complications in future. 

Slip Resistance

You wouldn’t want to be working with slippery shoes, and as we all know, hospital floors can be rather slippery and sliding/falling on it can be quite a disaster. This is why you need to get yourself a pair of shoes that are slip-resistant. 

Shape and Design

When it comes to choosing the best shoes, you need to keep in mind that they come in different shapes and sizes. This is so that they can accommodate different types of feet and various medical conditions. 

Nurses are often encouraged to wear shoes in the following categories; athletic sneakers, clogs, running shoes, tennis shoes or crocs. Each type of shoes have their own advantages; depending on your foot’s medical condition and the type of surface that you are going to work on. 

Before choosing a particular type of shoe, you should ask your colleagues about the kind of shoes they are wearing and their experience with them. These are among a few things you should look at before purchasing a pair of shoes.

Work Functions

It is vital to pick a pair of shoes that will suit your regular daily routine. As a nurse, some of the questions you can consider asking yourself include; are you going to spend more time seated or standing up? Will you be involved in carrying heavy items? Or do you have any specific medical condition? 

To help with some of these questions, you can consider having a chat with a podiatrist as he/she can help you choose what might turn out to be the best pair of shoes for you as a nurse. You might have seen some nurses coming to work with different pairs so that they can switch them in between their shifts (depending on the tasks they will be performing). 

If you are going to be sitting most of the time, you should look for soft and comfortable shoes. But, on the other hand, if your work will involve a lot of movements, go for the slip-resistant type as you are going to need more protection.

Price and Warranty

The price of an item is largely determined by the number of features it comes with. 

Some higher-priced shoes might be worth every penny you spend but for some others, you probably will be paying for their brand name. If the shoes provide you with more pros than cons, don’t be afraid to spend a few extra bucks for them. 

Also, some of these shoes often last longer when compared to their cheaper counterparts and it is a plus when they come with a warranty period as well. Click here to read more.


Having great shoes might make a big difference for the kind of work that you are doing. For nurses, the best shoes will mean working comfortably and producing the best results. There are a lot of things that you might want to consider when shopping for the best shoes for nurses and I hope that these few tips will start you off on the right foot.​​

Weddings are one of the most expensive events you ever have to coordinate and sometimes, it literally pays to find ways to lessen this cost wherever you can. Many people these days are considering a DIY wedding as a way to achieve this. The reason for this is apparent; everything surrounding weddings has become such a slick industry that you are likely to be overcharged for almost everything you do. Take a wedding cake as an example; a simple iced cake cost $15, but a similar 3-tier cake, i.e. a wedding cake can be upwards of $500 when the real cost should be less than $50.

The Location

Dedicated wedding venues offer an all-inclusive service which is excellent if you are looking to save yourself some time. The downside for this convenience is that it can be extremely costly; often in the tens of thousands, as some wedding venues are known to cost almost $15,000 on average

An alternative is to rent a community hall or space and decorate it yourself for a few hundred dollars. Though this might be a fair amount of work, it is well worth the effort.


Wedding cars are another area where the cost can seem excessive and considering that they are only seen twice (when you arrive and when you leave), is the high cost justifiable? 

Consider this alternative, ask a friend who has a nice car and it can look just the thing once you put a couple of ribbons on it. Even if you do not have a friend with a nice car, a day’s car rental will be so much cheaper if you get it from a normal hire place rather than a wedding car specialist. 


The food is one thing that needs to be right. A tasty wedding feast can be knocked up without professional caterers. However, as a word of warning, this can be very time consuming, and it might be one area that you do still hire a professional. Make sure you get an excellent creative catering firm that can make it a special occasion.

The Wedding Dress

Now, this is the one that you are going to want to get right. You will usually have a firm idea of what you want, and this is the first starting point. You can find a few ways to save money that can still look awesome than a pricey new dress. You can buy vintage or second hand from many places, and even a family dress from your mother or grandmother can give a classy and personal touch. 


Floral displays can be put together by you and your friends, and they can be a great, memorable and special moment between you and your bridesmaids. This can save you a fortune as it’s easy to get hold of flowers wholesale and put together all of the bunches yourselves. Although it takes time, this can be a memorable time that is well spent, and it will give you something to do rather than just sitting and waiting to get going.


Once the vital part of the wedding is concluded (ceremony, speeches, and the dinner); there is the matter of the entertainment to be considered. I know of one couple (who are very close friends of mine) whose cousin was in a band, and they hired them to play the wedding. Although it was not as slick as a professional wedding band, it added a special touch to the wedding. If you don’t know a musician in the family, many musicians are looking to make a living from music that you can find someone quickly.

The Cake

We mentioned the cake as a prime example of a wedding item that you can be easily ripped off for. As we said, it’s much easier to get a different cake and re-purpose it as a wedding cake. Alternatively, you can get a relative who could bake and then decorate the cake on your own so that you can get what you want.

We are constantly looking for new input. It’s not because we don’t know how to live our own lives but it’s more like we just need some assurance before making any important decision. This way, we can minimise the number of regrets that we encounter later on in life.

What am I talking about?

Well, this can go with a lot of things – from shopping tips to dating ideas, and even advises on how to resolve family problems and such.

Thankfully, we have all sorts of avenues to help us answer some of life’s biggest and most curious questions.

Here are some daily questions that you should ask yourself on this website.

Well, maybe not the existential type of Q and A’s but more of the questions that we ask ourselves on a daily basis. Like, what meals should you plan for the kids to make sure that they get the best nutrients? Or, how you and your other half can keep the love in your relationship alive through the years?

None of us is an expert in all areas of life so all we can really do is to learn from each other’s experiences – no matter how trivial it may seem.

If you can see where I’m going with this, then that’s good. It would seem like we share similar hobbies and interests. Otherwise, it’s okay. I’m pretty sure that I can introduce you to the wonderful world of editorial sections and lifestyle magazines without fail!

That’s right.

Today, we are going to discuss why you should check out Lifestyle Brands on websites like The Melior Buzz. If you’re not into reading fashion and lifestyle tabloids yet, you’re missing out on some really good stuff and it’s about time you catch up too!

Who Needs Mags If You’ve Got Tabs?

You’ve got to admit; people are less likely to get papercuts these days.

And why is that?

It’s because they hardly use paper media anyways!

Ever since the Internet was introduced to the curious public, the need for prints has been growing less and less as the years go by. After all, why would you opt for a paper mag that cost so much if you can get the exact same information that you’re searching for on the Internet?

Thus, we come to the realisation: Who needs mags when you’ve got tabs?

The best part about online tabloids is that you can access them anytime and anywhere. With paper media, you either have it in your bag or you left it somewhere at home. However, with virtual magazines, as long as you have a device that can connect to the Internet, you can access the material or information whenever you want.

Now, this is what I call nifty and practical.

Also, the fact that you can bookmark your favourite reads is remarkable. You can go back to reread it again and again, or whenever the need arises.

With a physical book or mag, the minute you lose it – you’ll never get your hands on the same information again; unless you buy another copy.

But hey, I’m already assuming that you like reading about this stuff. If you don’t, I think I should start with convincing you to get into it, right?

Why Check Out Lifestyle Brands On Online Tabloids Like The Buzz?

Be honest with yourself.

I’m pretty sure that there are times when you think to yourself that an outsider’s opinion can really help you arrive at a decision.

After all, you can easily fall into your own bias (or the bias of others you know), and that can cloud your judgement in terms of selecting and buying products.

In the end, you regret your choices and think about your “what ifs.” Like, what if someone was there to guide you better? What if you were able to come across some important information at an earlier time?

Maybe, just maybe, you could’ve prevented some things from happening.

Well, this is the kind of input that online tabloids can give you.

Just like in magazines, the people who write about lifestyle brands are real individuals who’ve experienced a product or service first-hand. It’s either they loved something so much or hate it enough to make it known to the world.

These people who view brands objectively have no reason to share biased opinions with you unless they’re paid to influence you (like us). They have no reason to deceive or make you buy the wrong things. They’re just there to state their own opinions and guide you to making better choices or better purchases perhaps.

Whenever you’re in doubt or you’re having trouble with understanding the latest fads and trends, you can always check out what these websites have to say and come up with your own conclusion about things.

It’s not just limited to purchases too.

These websites can also give you some inputs when it comes to making lifestyle choices and important life decisions. Reading them is like talking to a best friend you haven’t met yet. The only difference is that this one can’t give you any sass; just genuine help.

There are many lifestyle-oriented websites on the net but I wouldn’t say that they’re all equally good. You should carefully select and curate which resources to follow because some of them might actually do you more harm than good.

Online reviews and recommendations can help you out with this part but even then, some might just very well be fake.

Choose your sources wisely.